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This is not an ordinary post-business card. I want to share with you what guides me in work and in life - my values. Time A serious illness taught me to value time. It was she who forever cemented the thought in her head: the worst way to live life is to treat it as if it will never end. Since then, I began to look at time as a resource. The most important thing in life. After all, it is time that cannot be made up in any way, left a little for later or taken extra hours. Today even a child can be made in a test tube, but there is still no time machine. Therefore, I live every day of my life as if I were the best. And that’s why I decided to teach teenagers time management and other soft skills so that they don’t wait for some turning point, but consciously approach life now. Family relationshipsHelping parents find a common language with their children is one of the tasks of my work. And for me, as a mother, this is very important. When I started studying this topic, I saw an amazing thing. Today's children and teenagers are the first generation born without a deficiency! For many centuries, people have always suffered from a shortage of something. Our children don’t understand this. They grow up in a different environment - an information one. They do not need to “gnaw the granite of science,” as was once customary. Data about anything is already in their hands, on their smartphone. Now it is not theory that is important, but practice. I apply my knowledge in therapeutic work with families and in educational courses for teenagers. I built the online course “Time Management for Teens” using an adaptive methodology: with clear, vivid examples and constant practice. So that children understand how you can change your life with the help of simple and accessible actions. And when we communicate with the new generation, it only seems to us that we speak the same language. In fact, they put other meanings into words. Modern parents and their children seem to need a translator. And I am just the translator who helps the two parties understand each other. Happiness For me, living is happiness. I realized this just when I was in the hospital. Life is not endless and failures are just little things that we attach too much importance to. But I didn’t always think so. I myself entered psychotherapy through healing myself, and then decided to become a specialist and help others. Therefore, I know firsthand how it can change your whole life. Happiness comes from the word “part”. Happiness is a part, a combination of parts. This is at the same time connecting all parts of yourself, your personality, and being part of something larger, a community, a world. A state of happiness is when a person is in harmony with himself and the world and feels his integrity. It is to happiness that I lead my clients. What are the main values ​​in your life? Please share, I will be glad to see your comments)
