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Flexibility and hardness are two parts present simultaneously everywhere and in everything. If you go only into flexibility, then it turns into something sluggish, unstable, unfocused, vague, floppy, softened, unable to achieve the whole action, and if you are only in this state, then this structure will begin to fall apart, disintegrate into jelly-like pieces. If you go only into solidity, then it turns into something hard, bone, immovable, motionless, wooden, unstable, even somewhere creating the impression dried, and if you are only in this state, then a fracture will occur, something solid will break. Balance, the union of Flexibility and Hardness create Stability. Our body consists of this balance, or rather, nature offers us this balance. The body has hard structures and completely soft and flexible ones. If we use only hard ones, we will not make a single movement, even while lying in bed. We have joints that give us the ability to move. With their help we can be very sharp or very soft, smooth, danceable. We have a spine, this is a kind of rod, sort of like a stick, on which the rest of the hard, inert structure and the soft one are attached. But the spine itself consists of both completely hard and completely flexible, soft parts. Yes, it is hard, but it is at the same time flexible at the junctions of the vertebrae and it is completely soft in the cavities where the bone marrow is. What I mean is that even the hardest consists of hard and flexible. And if we begin to insist on one thing, we are destroyed both in the body and in the internal structure of the spiritual world. For example, a person who suffered a stroke begins to learn again the balance between the hardness of the body and its flexibility. He literally learns again in his brain to distinguish what relaxation, softness and hardness of the body are. He learns to recognize impulses within himself, what it means to be hard in the right places, and to be soft and flexible in the right places. It is difficult for such a person to immediately understand in which place of the leg, for example, he needs to be flexible and in which he needs to be hard. Because in order for any person to be able to stand, walk, move freely, he needs to simultaneously maintain within himself a balance of body hardness, flexibility and softness of muscles and tissues. In order for a person, even while lying in bed, to be able to simply bend his leg, he must simultaneously distinguish within himself tasks of hardness and flexibility, softness: the hip joint and knee must be flexible, mobile, bendable, some muscles are relaxed, while others are toned and strong. He needs to do this at the same time. And for a person after a stroke, this is one of the important tasks to balance this in his body. He learns this every day. We do this unconsciously on a constant basis. But this built-in ability of ours can be disrupted throughout life in certain situations. An imbalance of flexibility and hardness will be visible through illnesses in the body, through various difficult situations for us, which require us to see what we need, learn new things, or restore lost balances. If with the body it is more or less clear, then in the inner world everything is much more complicated. Often we can be very firm in our opinions, we hold on to them like life preservers, life is already tearing these circles away from us, but we cling on and insist. At the same time, we can even be proud of this “quality” of ours inside. But the fact is that circumstances require growth, breadth, a new perspective, to improve our life, our condition, our well-being. Just as often in situations we take a position, hold it, overcoming ourselves, causing harm to ourselves. We are required to have a new understanding of the situation, but we don’t want to, we protest, we don’t see, we argue. We become hard, tough, immovable and somewhat dry. Or, on the contrary, we become carried away by ideas about forgiveness, love, sacrifice, goodness, thereby disturbing the balance of flexibility and firmness. Yes, I agree, these lines can be very thin. And here you need to learn to maneuver and explore. And I think if?
