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What are the benefits of negative emotions? How can they become a source of valuable resource? We are used to perceiving negative emotions, such as anger, resentment, and irritation, as something bad. We are used to avoiding these feelings. We are used to switching attention to something else, we do not want to face something that can hurt us. We stop communicating with those who evoke such feelings in us or remind us of them. And if we do happen to meet them, we strive to push out the unwanted as quickly as possible, pretending that nothing is happening. Of course, this is an extremely destructive approach. Any feelings are normal in nature. That is, they do not need to give an assessment, divide them into good and bad, desirable and undesirable. Understanding what exactly caused this or that feeling is the real task. How can negative experiences help us fill ourselves with resources? Unfortunately, people quite often even They cannot admit to themselves that they are experiencing negativity. They persistently deny the very fact of this or that experience, engaging in self-deception. Many even say: “I don’t concentrate on the negative at all.” On the one hand, this is worthy of respect and even admiration. On the other hand, it causes anxiety. After all, this “not concentrating” is in fact ignoring one’s own feelings. That is, a person is unconsciously trying to do yourself comfortable, acceptable. And as soon as he encounters something undesirable in himself, he pretends that it doesn’t exist. Agree, this is unfair? When we begin to notice our negative experiences, when we begin to use them for our own benefit, we become stronger than we were before. In simple terms In other words, our anger at a friend who has offended us can be an excellent “fuel” for increasing self-confidence. Yes, it is really important not to focus solely on the negative. It is important to take note of all feelings and channel them into productive channels for yourself. Instead of trying to suppress your negative experiences, I recommend that you turn them into a source of energy and strength, inspiration and courage. Audacity, after all.!
