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Thesis statement of the research results Kolovitskova O.V., Center for Adaptation and Rehabilitation Programs “Capital City” Scientific supervisor: Esaulov V.I., Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov In a world of crises and upheavals, adaptability becomes a distinctive and necessary requirement for the human psyche. According to WHO forecasts, by 2030, mortality from the consequences of the negative effects of stress will take 2nd place. At the same time, almost a third of Russians consider stress and anxiety to be the main cause of illness. Against this background, the results of a 2014 survey are quite alarming, in which almost half of Russians exclude the possibility of turning to a psychotherapist due to its ineffectiveness. Taking into account the cultural and historical characteristics of the Russian Federation, the specific attitude towards the possibility of turning to a psychotherapist, it is advisable to develop, use and popularize short-term psychological practices counseling, correction and psychotherapy (PCCP). Short-term programs are designed to create demand and increase the population’s attention to their psycho-emotional state. The effectiveness of PCCP can increase the motivation of the population to seek psychological help. Research results and discussion. The purpose of the work was to study the possibilities and effectiveness of short-term solution-oriented counseling (SOC) in a person’s adaptation to stressful events. The method is based on the principle of solution-oriented short-term therapy, the focus of which is on stressful conditions and adaptation criteria. Effective adaptive thinking includes: rationality, associative flexibility in the formation of concepts and beliefs, dynamics of development, meaning formation and goal setting, which help to successfully adapt to stressful events. An empirical study before the start of CORC revealed: a low level of adaptability, an unfavorable state of well-being, activity and mood, a predominance of a coping style focused on the emotional response to stress. It was noted that CORC creates the prerequisites for sustainable adaptation to the specific category of stress factor and can act as preventive measure from the point of view of preparation for the specific category of stress factor, does not depend on gender, age, professional field of activity, state of health and status of the person. The individual correction carried out using the CORC method showed that after providing short-term psychological assistance, respondents showed an increase in adaptability to an average level, improvement in state of health, activity and mood, predominance of a coping style with a problem-oriented response to stress, absence of significantly expressed symptoms of anxiety and depression. Conclusions: The lack of adaptive thinking and appropriate cognitive, emotional and behavioral strategies may be considered a necessity for CORC when a person adapts to stressful events. CORC can be used to prevent the negative effects of stress, and also promotes the formation of adaptive thinking when exposed to stress.
