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Who or what determines the choice of a partner? In fact, it only seems to us that we are choosing someone. We have the illusion of control over the situation. In psychological slang, we can also say this: our past traumatic unreinterpreted experience finds a partner. The deeper the trauma, the more persistently it will demand repetition until we relive the first experience. In the meantime... The one who is most afraid of being rejected will live with the one who runs away at the first opportunity. He who does not love and despises himself will find someone who will show him all his hatred and anger. He who does not believe in his worth and uniqueness will choose someone who will devalue. He who is waiting for warmth will run into a cold, unapproachable wall. Unheard - to the deaf. And the narcissist, who has built a magnificent palace on a deep, bottomless inner pit, will find someone who will admire only the facade. Exactly until it collapses. If it seems to us that we do not understand our own attitude towards ourselves, we just need to look at our surroundings, at the people close to us. They treat us the same way. But we don't have to wait for Providence to change the script. It is important to take responsibility for your life and destiny. It is important for us to show mercy and compassion towards ourselves, and not expect it from our loved ones and society!!! Let me give you an example of my client's story. Her father died at the age of 2, and her mother died at the age of 4. She grew up with her older sisters and grandmother. She wanted love and acceptance so much, but they constantly rejected her. And she kept trying to deserve, you pray, to get love. And she chose as her husband a man 10 years younger than herself, who lived only by his work, cheated and even lost his potency. He never gave her the love and care in the form in which she expected, he constantly devalued her. For 33 long years she repeated her traumatic childhood experience. It took a lot of time and effort to realize all this, relive it, grieve, let go and choose your own path... And if you need help in this matter, I can help you. 89117311744 you app
