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What are the secrets of happiness? For happy people, happiness consists of three things: - pleasure, - satisfaction, - the highest goal. Enjoyment is an emotion, it is short-lived. Pleasure is a state of awareness and can be long-lasting. Happiness is about doing something meaningful with people you love. Satisfaction is the reward for a job well done. It is the joy you feel when you get something you really want. want. Satisfaction can be obtained, but it is impossible to maintain it. It disappears because the body restores homeostasis, that is, its normal state. Satisfaction can be described by the formula: what you have divided by what you want. have / want = satisfaction Therefore, the secret of satisfaction It is not about having more, but about wanting less. Therefore, I wish not to desire. The Dalai Lama said: “To be happy, we need to want what we have, and not have what we want.” The main component of happiness – this is the meaning. How to understand the meaning of life? To do this, you need to answer three questions: 1. Why do things happen?2. Why am I living?3. Why does my life matter? Number one is consistency. Things happen for a reason. For a believer, things happen because God wants them that way. “Thy will be done, O God.” Second. Why am I living? In order to do something. What should I do while I live? This is the significance of my life. For meaning, we need difficulties, challenges that accompany suffering. Although all this is accompanied by unhappiness. It is accepting challenges and overcoming difficulties that leads to satisfaction and happiness. What does the level of happiness depend on? Genetics (related scenarios) 50% Circumstances 25 %Habits 25%Genetics: happy parents have happy children and vice versa - unhappy parents have unhappy children. What can we control? Our habits. Four main areas of habits of a happy person: 1. Your faith (spirituality).2. Your family – family connections.3. Your friends (those around you) are social connections.4. Your work (activity). Faith or spirituality is action for something or someone greater than yourself (service). Additionally, your activity includes earned success and service to others. Earned success is achievement due to your activity. When your skills are combined with what you are passionate about. Service is an activity aimed at helping other people. It is also necessary to teach these ideas to other people. My conclusions: It is necessary to develop habits that lead to happiness and pleasure. Enjoyment and pleasure are fleeting, but the present happiness comes from having a higher purpose and meaning in life. Happiness is not only about having more, but also about wanting less. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on what we have and be grateful for it, instead of constantly striving to more. Happiness is determined not only by genetics or circumstances, but also by habits, which can be changed and controlled. Therefore, it is necessary to develop good habits in areas such as faith (spirituality), family connections, social connections and meaningful activities. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. It takes effort and determination, but ultimately it is within our control. By developing habits that lead to happiness and pleasure, we can live richer, more joyful lives.
