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Do you know what your real voice is? Listen to how you speak. Maybe you have never thought about whether you speak with your own voice - we are not talking about a parody, but about a natural voice. Yes, everyone has their own natural voice, for some reason some of you rarely use it, preferring to speak in a trained voice. namely, the voice that you think is protecting you. But it only seems so. Listen to yourself, if the timbre of your voice is high, you sound like a mouse - pee-pee-pee. At the same time, you find yourself in situations where they don’t listen to you and don’t take you seriously. You began to use this “voice of a mouse,” as if a child’s voice, as a defense mechanism and maybe in a number of situations it really protected you. But if your profession is related to communication and you also influence with your voice, then observe what it feels like Is this really an influence? Does this voice help you more or hinder you? Maybe it's time to remember your natural voice? What is it like? Do you know him? You may well become acquainted with your natural voice. The rejection of the natural voice occurs in childhood, when lifestyles and behavioral mechanisms are formed. And you unconsciously choose to speak in a “strange” voice. It seems that over time this voice becomes yours; you live in this voice for decades. But when you get acquainted with the natural voice and begin to speak to it, then you receive support within yourself, you influence others not only with this “support” voice, but also with the “support” state that it causes. It is surprising that many do not like theirs at first natural voice, this happens until those around you begin to react to you differently. And your sense of self changes - self-confidence appears. Finding “your” voice requires special work. And to consolidate the skill, you also need to work. You won’t be able to get a result just by clicking here. If you see and hear that the result of your influence with your voice has exceeded your expectations, only this can speed up the process of returning to your natural voice. This topic is usually very relevant to people of “talkative” professions, especially , who have difficulty giving presentations, who lose their breath when you are angry or when you are indignant (protest state). When you learn to control your voice, relying on your natural voice, your difficulties (see above) fall off on their own. If the topic of influencing your voice is relevant to you and you want to find your natural voice and learn to own it, sign up for a consultation (pm )Take care of yourself and your natural voice.
