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From the author: Some facts about financial freedom Is it true that a poor person counts every penny? Alas, this is not true at all! Poor people often count their last pennies. But as soon as they receive a salary, they immediately begin to spend this money left and right. What exactly does it spend on? It's a big secret! Nobody knows this, including the one who “wasted” this money with his own hands. If the poor counted every penny, they would not be poor, but, at a minimum, would be fairly wealthy people. One of the significant The difference between rich and poor people is that the rich count their money, but the poor do not. A rich person always knows how much money he has, where it came from, where it went, for what purpose he is saving it, where he will invest it, etc. . He who counts his money manages it. Among the poor, it is not customary to count money, and it is not customary to keep track of expenses and income. But it is customary to celebrate a lot (for any reason and even for no reason) and waste the money you earn recklessly. The poor are sure that keeping records of their personal finances is boring and unnecessary. Therefore, they remain poor even if they have a high monthly income. Sound familiar? I'm sure yes. Money is earned, no one knows where it goes, and the more income, the more expenses. A vicious circle. There is only one way to get out of this vicious circle - by starting to keep daily records of income and expenses made. Of course, no one likes writing reports. Especially about money. Especially the ones spent. Especially if you’re not used to it; But if you put in a little effort, accounting will begin to be easy for you and take only 5–10 minutes a day. The main thing is to start and keep regular records for a while. Money loves counting. Start counting your money, no matter how lazy you are to do it. Why keep records of income and expenses? Then either you manage your money - or it controls you. Either you control them or they control you. There is no third option. As long as your money controls you, forget about financial well-being and the notorious financial freedom. PS For convenience, I have made a selection of books on personal finance - they will help you “make friends” with your money and master financial literacy
