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Everyone wants to be good. This includes “living according to conscience”, and “living in peace with others”, and “helping everyone”, and “being kind”, and “not doing anything bad”, and “not offending anyone”, etc. Everyone has their own definition of “good”. It is important to understand in accordance with whose goals and views you live - your own (conscious) or other people (usually parents, spouse, etc.). There are people who always try to help everyone, never conflict, do not refuse. Only over time they have less and less strength, their mood is not very good, and they don’t really want to live. And there is also irritation from the fact that no one appreciates, and everyone takes sacrifices for granted. This makes my soul bitter and insulting. How I want everyone to like me and everyone to approve of me. And your choice, and your interests, and appearance, of course. So that others appreciate, support, admire, and note what a good person you are, what a great fellow you are. But everyone is busy with their own lives and solving their own problems. If you, without hesitation, agree to a request for help or give in to others, sacrificing your own comfort and violating your plans, then this is a story about you. You are probably afraid of offending another person. Are you worried about what they will think of you if you refuse? You want to be good to everyone. If this is a habitual pattern of behavior for you, ask yourself the question: why do you need this? Even if you don’t like the person, are unpleasant or you are indifferent to him, why are you so eager to please him? The world won't turn upside down if he dislikes you or doesn't notice you... Who really wants to please you? Whose approval do you deserve? Unfortunately, even if you always meet others halfway, forgetting about your own interests, this does not guarantee that you will be loved and respected. It is impossible to please everyone and fulfill all requests. It is important to think about yourself and your interests. No one will think about this for you. It would be good to maintain a balance, understanding why you are agreeing to help, to give in to others. When a child is born, he needs parental love and acceptance like air. It is a known fact that babies in orphanages died, even if they had perfect care and feeding, but they were very rarely held. Ideally, having been imbued with love, a child goes out into the big world, grows up and becomes independent. But if he was valued not just for what he is - with all his advantages and disadvantages, but only because he does something good, studies well, for example, or does what his parents want, then often the growing The individual develops a strong desire to please everyone. As an adult, you have to re-learn to love yourself and respect, appreciate and care. Helping others can only be done from the position of a gratuitous attitude towards this. You did a good deed and don’t expect anything in return. Because love and respect are not bought or exchanged, not earned or rewarded. Love and respect for others begins with acceptance and a conscious attitude towards oneself as an individual who respects the needs of everyone around, starting with oneself.
