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Initially, every child is born with self-love. This is a spiritual feeling that is inherent in man by nature. The child is born and feels natural, he accepts himself as he is. The whole world lives for him, and he lives for the world. The only thing he wants is to love and be loved. A very interesting fact is that deep self-love carries the property of a true perception of the world and oneself. Therefore, children are often wise, this is true. It’s as if a person intuitively feels what is right and what is wrong. This can be called a miracle! Inside every person there is a deep source of spiritual guidance - the higher self, which helps him navigate life and develop in harmony. But only in the process of his development, pain, suffering, stress, disappointment, does a person cease to accept himself in his true light. He stops trusting his intuition and begins to trust the opinion of one social environment, which can be very biased and cruel in its assessments. Self-esteem is what we think about ourselves and know about ourselves. Throughout life, a person forms his own image of himself. First, he communicates with his parents, hearing their praise or disapproval, smiles and menacing shakes of his head as a sign of “no.” Then he encounters other people who also show their attitude towards certain actions of the child. He enjoys moments when he is able to develop and overcome difficulties. His parents are proud of him, and therefore he himself. If he is made guilty from childhood, his desires are infringed upon, they do not believe in his aspirations for goals, they reproach him, insult him, then as a result the child forms a negative image of himself, does not believe in his abilities, compares himself with others, looks for shortcomings in himself, often feels guilty for no reason, doubts, has difficulty making decisions, is afraid of responsibility, people, his desires and everything new. As a result of low self-esteem, a person can play the role of “victim”, “tyrant” or “criminal” all his life. A drop in self-esteem can also occur as a result of stress or a life crisis: the departure of a loved one, failure, constant mistakes, as well as due to illness or physical defect. If the parents treated the child with love and understanding, tried to explain to him the reasons for punishment, his own failures, or helped him understand your feelings, the child will be more objective towards himself. Such a person will calmly accept criticism, realize his mistakes, and at the same time will have a positive attitude towards himself, a constructive approach to working on his personality, developing talents, achieving success. Self-esteem is very closely related to self-confidence and self-acceptance. It does not depend on the financial sphere and prestigious work. Rather, this is a consequence of high adequate self-esteem. Self-confidence is created in the form of successful experience and is laid down from childhood, as a deep feeling of self-love, which is primarily instilled by parents with their unconditional love for the child. From self-love comes self-respect and awareness of oneself as a unique person with one’s own characteristics and talents. The state of love creates a feeling of deep comfort and so-called basic security - that is, an unshakable belief in one’s strength and success, regardless of circumstances. It is in such a psychological climate that the creative part of a person’s personality easily and freely develops, allowing him to be a flexible, sociable and generally harmonious person. Low self-esteem can threaten a person with self-doubt, distrust of himself and the world around him. That is, he becomes anxious, suspicious, vulnerable, and has poor resistance to stress. Communication with the internal and external worlds is disrupted. This can lead to isolation, aggression, states of prolonged anxiety and even loss of meaning in life. Inflated self-esteem manifests itself in arrogance, carelessness towards people, harsh criticism and intolerance towards others, and manipulation.
