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Many people face psychological problems, but try to solve them on their own. For some, this is a character trait, while others are worried about the psychologist. After all, people usually don’t hesitate to turn to a doctor or auto mechanic for professional help! What's wrong with psychologists? The most important thing is a feeling of openness and defenselessness. After all, you have to open up to the psychologist in the context of your inner state and emotional experiences. But he or she is a stranger, and it is still unknown what he or she will bring with his or her actions. This problem arises quite often, especially considering that the state of mistrust is sometimes associated with a current client request. (Here later we talk about the importance of opening up, trying, but being vigilant) Another important point is the fear of evaluation. When we open up to someone about our inner experiences, we often can't help but think about what the other person will think of us. And this state is also associated with the client’s current request. The third point is the fear of the unknown. Usually people who are not involved in psychology do not have a very good idea of ​​what the process of psychological counseling and/or psychotherapy involves. And, of course, they are simply worried about what this mysterious psychologist will do to them. Thank God that recently in culture (films, books, the Internet) information about psychological work is presented from a variety of angles, and at least the moment of uncertainty is slowly disappearing. What can be said about these fears? They are all justified and natural, and the potential client has reason to worry. But there is no other option but to go and try psychological work on yourself. This does not mean that you should forget about these fears completely. It is important to maintain adequacy and clarity of perception - if you feel bad from contact with a psychologist or his work for a long time, this will probably mean that this psychologist is not suitable for you. You should not give up reasonable self-defense at the very beginning of work (then, over time, when trust is formed, you will be able to open up more in interaction with a specialist). Plus, a preliminary acquaintance with a psychologist will help reduce fear - studying his professional page, a short preliminary conversation or correspondence. In any case, only tests and positive experience will help you leave fear in the past and influence your negative state.
