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From the author: From the point of view of doctors: Reactions of the body that occur in response to the action of pathogenic factors that disrupt normal functioning. Psychologists will tell you (and they will also be right) that: A disease is a mental disorder , manifested at the physiological level. The priests will draw your attention to spiritual aspirations (this is true): Illness is a consequence of sin. Psychics will assure (and not without this): Illness is damage to the energy shell of the body. What is the “golden mean” ? What exactly is a disease? About this - another look at the concept of “disease” In determining the causes of diseases, they are all right, because a person is a three-dimensional creature: physical (Body), emotional and energetic (feelings: sensory and super sensory) and rational (Thinking: logical and visionary - the thinking of a mystic, dreamer, dreamer, spirit seer, seer of visions). It is no coincidence that everyone determines the cause of the disease in the field in which they are a specialist. Traditional Eastern teachings speak of seven human bodies, or seven “principles.” All of them speak about the hierarchy of seven shells: like a nesting doll, the physical body is located at the core, and the highest shell is the outer seventh, the final one is Absolute Knowledge. This is God - he is perfect, and there are no defeats leading to illness in this spiritual hypostasis. Diseases have their origins in the remaining 6 bodies, each of which can be damaged from the inside, and the first three (the physical body, the body of lower instincts and needs and the body of higher needs and instincts of a person) - also from the outside. In the language of psychological science, a painful symptom can be decomposed into 6 components in order to identify deviations from the norm at any of the levels where the disease manifested itself, determining the causes and sources of its formation. The root cause may be: 1) physical: trauma or a virus - something that should be entrusted to medicine; 2) behavioral: frivolous an action or a negative, but comfort-serving habit - something that is worth discussing with a psychologist (if we are talking about a harmful addiction), a coach, or with the one who criticizes you the most (look at criticism as good advice); 3) cognitive: a negative belief, an unsuccessful decision or a delusion is an area of ​​cognition in which it is worth going to a Teacher who will help you learn the truth; 4) emotional-sensual: psychotrauma or sluggish negative feelings encapsulated in bodily blocks; 5) objective: physical or psychological overstrain from overcoming external factors and situations beyond your capabilities. The consequences of overload will be dealt with by specialists who have techniques for overcoming a crisis situation (from a doctor and psychologist to a priest and a crisis manager). The main thing is not only to get out of a stressful situation, but also to remove the burden that weighs you down, so that you are not covered by a wave at the moment when you relax with relief; 6) spiritual: these are self-prohibitions or permissions (permissiveness), contrary to the objective laws of development and universal human values, which do not pass without a trace for a person’s soul and are projected onto his body, violating the Self, the original natural essence that determines the integrity and order within the human soul with which we are born. Having discovered the root cause in the spiritual, dialectical area, you can remove prohibitions and permissions that are not for the good, depending on your chosen aspiration. Humility or pride, spiritual transformation or gratification of the lower instinct, unity or disunity - it all depends on your own desire. Who will help you see the light to choose for the good? - Anyone and anything: from a random passer-by to your confessor, from a phrase in a line of poetry to a philosophical treatise. He who has ears, let him hear!..According to the “Technology of Awareness of Reality,” illness is an end-to-end process that begins with a violation of natural harmony at a certain level of development, manifesting itself in a certain block of the physical body. He»
