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From the author: The article was published on the website To be happy and to raise an optimist is one of the secret desires of every parent. How to be happy? Psychologists say that life is easier for optimists in our world. Optimism helps solve complex problems and prolongs our lives. Of course, we all really want our children to be filled with optimism and their lives to be successful. There are secret rules on how to be happy: Teach your children to enjoy life. Teach you to see more in every small thing. It's raining, no problem, but let's look at the puddles! A snail is crawling, great! Let's get to know her... All good things are always with us. Don't you agree? Raise your child lovingly. Don't let your bad mood take over you. Don’t take your irritation out on him or raise your voice. If you feel the urge to scream, tell yourself “Stop,” take a deep breath and exhale, imagine that you are communicating with yourself: you won’t shout at yourself, will you? Eliminate words like “fool” and “idiot” from your vocabulary. After all, the child does not understand that you are in a bad mood. The child begins to believe that he is like this. This is how complexes appear... Don't compare him to other children. Your child is a unique individual who should not be like anyone else. Learn to discuss all negative situations with your child, just don’t focus on them. It’s better to sort out the mistakes together and make a note for the baby for the future. Sometimes we parents buy expensive things for our children, thereby provoking some children to take these things away from your child. Before buying expensive things, think about your child’s social environment. Encourage independence. If a child wants to do something himself, he should at least try. It's never too early! Don't forget to support your child; little ones, like adults, need your help. Be attentive to the child’s inner world, because it’s good when mom and dad become friends and understand their child perfectly. And in conclusion, I would like to add, praise for the work! Praise for the task, with a detailed explanation of why you are praising the child. Why do you think that this action should be praised. As you can see, the rules are simple and so are the tips. Try it, don’t be afraid to be parents and rely on common sense and parental intuition!
