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“The strongest feature of human nature is the desire to be noticed and appreciated.” William James Compliment (French: compliment) is a special form of praise, an expression of approval, respect, recognition or admiration; kind, pleasant words, flattering review (Wikipedia) Compliments are a very simple but very powerful tool that helps to build good relationships with other people. They are said in different situations and for different reasons, but usually they give us great pleasure and elevate our self-esteem. Our good disposition and sympathy for a person begins, as a rule, after he skillfully emphasized some of our merits. If you want to express your admiration for a certain person, give him your positive assessment, tell him directly about what you like about his behavior, appearance or some things that concern him. How to give compliments correctly? 1) If you want to please other people, say what they want to hear from you. Knowing the psychology of people - men, women, children and the elderly, you can easily understand what they want to hear. Women want to be beautiful and fashionable, men - smart and strong, etc. I don’t encourage you to flatter, it’s just that if at the moment a woman is happy and proud of how good she looks in a new dress, then a compliment about her clothes and appearance will make her happy at that moment more than a compliment about her intelligence. 2) When giving a compliment, be sincere. In our lives there are many different situations in which a person performs very well. Therefore, if you praise others for a beautiful hairstyle or suit, a delicious lunch or some achievement at work, you will not only make them pleasant, but you will also be known as a very friendly and intelligent person. 3) When giving a compliment, use contrast. You can praise another person for something that you are doing poorly, such compliments are highly valued. But do not belittle yourself and your dignity, because this will look like flattery and, besides, it is unlikely that anyone will enjoy communicating with a person who doesn't respect himself. 4) Never flatter. Most people sense when a compliment is not sincere, and they immediately begin to think about what you need from them and what you will now ask of them. 5) When giving a compliment, be short and concise. A couple of short phrases will show your interlocutor your good attitude, but will not look like annoying flattery, as if you started talking about his merits for an hour. 6) Reason for the compliment. The compliment will be more sincere if you explain why you like it! What compliment told to a woman will be more pleasant to her? 1) “Beautiful dress!” “Beautiful dress! It makes you look so slim! And the color suits you!”2) “You have a beautiful child.” “You have a beautiful child, as beautiful as you!” And his eyes are so smart, you can immediately see that he will be an excellent student!” 7) When giving a compliment, address it to a specific person. Instead of the phrase “All women are so beautiful,” it is better to say “You are very beautiful” and again explain the reasons why you think so. 8) When giving a compliment, talk about more. If you have known the interlocutor for some amount of time, you can praise not only him for something in a specific situation, but already for any dignity that he has. To emphasize this, you can use the phrases “always”, “constantly”, etc. “You always have such great taste.” “You always dress so stylishly.” “You are always in a good mood,” etc. The compliments that are most valued by a person are compliments about the qualities of his character, about his spiritual and moral qualities, about his abilities and talents, about his ability to communicate, etc. 9) When giving a compliment, call the person by name. Every person likes to hear his own name. Therefore, to the person who called him
