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From the author: Former smokers who say that they “quit smoking” unwittingly mislead others. Smokers, and not only... There is a persistent myth that quitting smoking is very difficult that a strong will is needed. You have already tried to quit smoking on your own before, and perhaps more than once. It will probably surprise you if I say that it is generally impossible to “quit smoking.” Former smokers who say that they “quit smoking” unwittingly mislead others. In fact, they didn’t give up anything, they somehow miraculously learned to be indifferent to tobacco smoke. Look at those people who stopped smoking, watch them. Would you say that they have more willpower than you? Of course not! However, they managed to change something in their head, but cannot explain to you how they “freed themselves”. Therefore, when using the phrase “quit smoking”, do not take it literally, it disorients your unconscious brain. Why should you fight with yourself? Regarding “smoking,” you now have two habits: the first habit is that you can smoke, the second habit is that you have learned to quit smoking. That is, by resorting to the second habit, each time you declare war on your first habit, but since “smoking” is your habit (and it is more mature than the second one - “quitting”, and therefore more cunning and more experienced), then your defeat is predetermined. You can either be a Smoker or a quitter. But you will never become indifferent to cigarettes if you only fight with yourself, trying to destroy one part of yourself with the help of another! War of destruction! How can you defeat yourself? Only Baron Munchausen was able to pull himself out of the swamp by his own hair, and even a horse. You are not Baron Munchausen. You cannot overcome your habit with willpower alone. We need willpower in order to get up at the alarm clock, take a cold shower, and do many tedious but necessary things. Some time passes, and we have to spend it (will) on other things, and then most often defeat occurs. Two habits: one “Smoking” and the other “Quit” - they support each other, they cannot exist without each other. They're both bad. “Are you going to smoke today or quit smoking?” For your unconscious brain, this is a CHOICE—NO CHOICE. It's like there are only two programs on TV, and both programs are bad. Once I had to be in North Korea on a scientific exchange, where I gave lectures at the Academy of Sciences. In Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, during the reign of the great helmsman Kim Il Sung, hotels for foreign citizens had excellent Japanese televisions. And there were only two television programs, and both were very politicized. Always, turning on the TV, on the first program you could see how everything is good in North Korea, how the Helmsman is basking in the rays of the sun, on the second - how bad everything is in South Korea, how the police brutally beat student demonstrators. I didn’t want to watch a single program. There was a time to love and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. (Ecclesiastes 3:8) Love and respect yourself, create new habits, and then your unconscious, wishing you good and well-being, will always best support your life interests. Over many, many years of conscious struggle with smoking, after numerous and unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking, I made the discovery for myself that it is impossible to “quit smoking”. But you can learn to be indifferent to cigarettes, or experience disgust, or acquire other feelings. After this epiphany, it only took me a few seconds to train my brain to be indifferent to cigarettes, and quickly and easily I created a new habit - “Indifference.” Let’s continue to understand what the “smoking” process is. I will further outline my view on the problem of smoking, and you try to decide whether you can share my point of view. Without a sense of trust and confidence that you are being led on the right path,.
