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Hermes is the Olympian God of the hierarchy of sons, an ally or paired archetype of Hades, the ruler of the underworld (the depths of our unconscious). Patron of travelers, thieves, entrepreneurs, rescuer of children. God of eloquence, cunning, liar and tireless provocateur. Hermes - described by K.G. Jung's archetype is the Trickster (jester); he is not a simple and far from unambiguous figure in the human psyche. This is a talented emotional person. Capable of using cunning, tricks and original solutions to win. He has many masks, he often acts as a mediator rather than acting directly. The trickster is associated with the idea of ​​individualization. At a certain age he tries to find himself and tries on various masks. He can be everything and no one. A striking example of the Trickster archetype is the character of Maxim Matveev in the series "Trigger". Artem Streletsky, the best provocative psychologist in Moscow, demonstrates the shock method of therapy. He does not coddle his clients, but from the very first meeting provokes them to leave their comfort zone in order to force them to tell the truth (the episode with the pious couple, in my opinion, is the most colorful of all the episodes of the second season). He undertakes to help others solve their problems - often without asking, acts radically, arrogantly, throwing his guesses in the face with the pathos of immutable truth, insulting, resorting to deception, blackmail. His behavior is a special idea, a demonstration of his creativity, balancing on the edge of what is acceptable and prohibitions. It is clear that in such a situation, a well-honed sense of humor that goes beyond everyday rudeness is a prerequisite. Good and evil in such a context are clearly defined by their usefulness or expediency. He gladly helps those who can convince him of usefulness to others, and most importantly, of usefulness to himself: he needs this in order to experience acute and contradictory emotions. He is charming and emotional, but this emotional side, this epicureanism is precisely what is enough an understandable mask for which the Trickster is loved by society. The participant of “Comedy Clab” and the program itself is a trickster format, where we watch a gathering of emotional, interesting, diverse people playing different roles. They joke in fairly borderline situations, and some jokes may fall under at least the Code of Administrative Violations. Tricksters have a variety of gestures and hyperkinetic facial expressions. He uses a large number of emotionally charged words, speech structures and figurative expressions. If society does not accept the figure of the Trickster, then his shadow appears - the Black Magician archetype, whose idea is that society is a bad world that must be conquered not with emotions, but with psychotechnologies. Technologies for influencing society are the main weapon of the shadow Trickster. This includes pickup techniques. Clothing style: desire for glamor, outrageousness, challenge. Choosing a partner: A trickster woman should raise the question among others: “Man, who are you?” "How did this Goddess choose you!" She is charming, beautiful, sexy. When a trickster finds a woman close to his ideal, then for her sake he is ready to connect other archetypes and perform feats. The Trickster archetype in the psyche is necessary if: 1. Do you want to develop a provocative approach to life2. Do you dream of easily seducing women and building relationships with them3. Do you want to become a communicator who will be the soul of any company?
