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We continue to increase zen, reduce the level of anxiety and develop healthy indifference. The more certainty in your life in days of global uncertainty, the better. Elementary actions, such as quality sleep, timely meals, a minimum level of physical activity, lay a strong foundation for good health. I talked in detail about how to cope with worries and fears in the moment “here and now” in the article How to cope with stress and anxiety? 3 simple techniques. Today I want to share step-by-step instructions for further actions.1. Anxiety is a vague concept, fear is specific. To get rid of endless mental chewing gum, which only exhausts your strength and does not bring any results, I propose to move on to specifics. How to cope with anxiety? Translate it into fear. And then work with him. Option 1 - Seek help from a psychologist or hotline specialist. Option 2 - Work on it yourself. To do this, take paper and pen and answer in writing the question “What exactly am I afraid of?” List everything that comes to mind. This will help you clearly see the picture and understand yourself. Once the fears are identified, write down an action plan for each of them. How can you get out of the situation if it does happen? What will you do in the worst case scenario? This does NOT mean your fears will come true. And you will definitely have to implement these plans. NO. This practice will stop pointless panic. It will help you separate yourself from fear and see that you are ready for any development of events and can cope. If not independently, then with the help of other people.2. Focus: Throughout the day, notice where your focus is. What are you focusing on? Do you feel like you are the master of your life? Or has fear and panic taken this place? If the answer does not suit you, I suggest using the effective and simple practice that I wrote about in the article Coronavirus. Take the crown off the virus, give it back to yourself. It is universal and suitable not only in a situation with a virus, but also at any time when you feel that the focus of attention is shifted in the wrong direction.3. Level of trust. Trust is characteristic of a mature and strong personality and should not be confused with childish gullibility. Trust helps reduce the level of anxiety and removes the illusion of total control. There is much more of it in our lives than meets the eye. To increase the level of trust, I share a practice: Every day, write down 5 things that happened without your knowledge or participation. For example, the sun rose, so many people in your city became infected, it started to rain, etc. This easy practice will help you understand that there are a lot of things in the world that you do NOT control, they just happen. All you can do is trust what is happening and not worry unnecessarily. I talk about how to live through fears, strengthen relationships and make money during a crisis in the charity master class Psychological Safety Pillow. Login - donation.
