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From the author: Everyone has their own life credo. You can call it a motto. This is a short phrase that most fully reflects a person’s life principles. Or one principle. An aphorism, a quote, a saying, anything can become a life credo. The main thing is that it is essentially yours. What is your life credo? History of the concept. The credo is the third part of the Catholic chant during mass. It is called so according to the first word of the Latin name “Credo in unum Deum”, which translated from a dead language means “I believe in one God”. Of course, in this interpretation, people quite rarely encounter this term. Modern understanding: A credo is the personal conviction of one person or group of people in their true destiny. These foundations inextricably accompany the highest mission of a person, in which he believed at a certain stage of his life. Let us give several examples of the life credo of representatives of various professions in order to understand what a credo is for each of them. A credo always reflects the basic responsibility that we bear. those. what we undertake to materialize in our lives. which turns into our “comfort zone” of a certain level. Therefore, it is so important to realize your life credo and, if you don’t like it, you should adjust it to something that the Soul will approve. Instructions for determining your credo. At each point of “TOR-technology for life”, spontaneously continue the thought and create your own statement based on the received statement symbol-image, then move on to the next point. The last statements (6 and 7) and their symbols will reveal to you the essence of your life credo. formulate this essence as a slogan that you could write on your own family flag or coat of arms, if you had one. Determination of life credo according to the TOP approach.1. I love it when...2. And then I usually do (formulate three verbs: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the strategy of my actions)...3. When I do this, I think that...4. I think so because I want...5. If this wish comes true, then I usually get...6. But for this I will never “sacrifice”...7. And therefore, I usually allow myself... 8. But I never allow myself... So, my life credo says... If you find that this credo does not really suit you, then you should first “Realize your Soul and accept yourself as you are" in order to transform it into a true life credo.
