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Today we will have a practical post to work on ourselves! Theoretically, I won’t tell you almost anything, but I will give a list of indicative questions that will help you understand your state of illness, and learn to be sincere with yourself when you are sick. Why is it important to be sincere with yourself? We have needs that we are aware of or not, and some we don’t want to admit. The latter, in my opinion, are the most “delicious” within the framework of the development of psychosomatics. The more we suppress them within ourselves, the more they rush out through our body. Recognizing your needs, no matter how shameful they are, condemned by you, by your parents, is already a step towards learning to interact with them, as well as to health. Questions for understanding your illness And so, let’s move on... Today I will try with examples. And so, let’s take, for example, otitis (everything is taken from fantasy, coincidences with reality are random... or maybe not). 1. What does illness mean to you? Not sincerely: fu fu fu it hurts, I want to get well soon Sincerely: yes, it hurts, but at this time I don’t hear my husband coming home from work and complaining about his life, forgetting that I also work, and it’s not easy for me, but I can’t even express it to my family, because I listen to his nagging.2. What does recovery mean to you? Not sincerely: so as not to get sick, and go to work as soon as possible. Sincerely: I will lose the important support that I receive now, and then again I will not have the right to cry and complain, I will have to listen to other people’s problems, and say no, I’m ashamed, because then I’ll be a bad wife.3. What do you get from illness? Not sincerely: I get nothing except pain, what benefits can there be from illness, what are you saying... Sincerely: I can send everyone with their problems, since I am sick. Then there will only be questions, since it seems to me that the essence of the work is already clear.4. How did your life change when the disease appeared?5. What happens if you recover?6. What should you learn as your illness passes? In our case, say “no,” allow yourself to be angry with your husband and express your needs for support. 7. How can you get it in a safe way? Write three steps that are safe for you. These questions in the given algorithm are aimed at understanding the psychological aspects of the disease and translating them into constructive understanding. I always recommend writing down the answers! Write without thinking, and then leave it and read it the next day, since at the time of writing the protective mechanisms of the psyche will already turn on and you will not be able to understand your unique meaning of what is written, but the next day you will be able to look at the question “from the outside.” When speaking questions without writing them down, an important meaning is lost! If these questions infuriate you wildly, or they If it’s not at all about you and not about your illness, you can say that you are afraid to admit your need or forbid to show your feelings. Do you want to ask questions about the post? I will be happy to answer! With love for your sores, psychologist, sexologist, psychosomatologist Tatyana Pavlenko!
