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What do we want to get when entering into a relationship? What if the relationship becomes something more, a family? What makes the union of two hearts strong and happy? We are all alike and we are all different, in each individual case the answer will be different. But there are general ideas about a happy union, sincere love and family happiness. There are a lot of common ideas, forms and, if you like, patterns in our lives. This allows us to understand each other, establish connections with other people, find common interests and more. The article is not a format that allows us to analyze all possible options, but we can talk about some things in common. The beginning of a relationship As a rule, the beginning of a relationship is a romantic period. Feelings are bright, passion is burning, and expectations for the second half are sky high. We don't notice each other's flaws. And if we notice, we believe that time will fix everything, we will learn. And in general, what does it matter if we love each other. Conscious continuation At some point, a couple in a long-term relationship has a moment of making a decision about a mutual future. And if this does not lead to a break, then there are still many unresolved issues ahead. The union may be formalized or not. It depends on the mutual desire of the couple. But, one way or another, this decision means the moment of creating a family. Conflict of temperaments Each of us grows and matures in different conditions. In the vein of existential psychology, the life of each person is unique and cannot be repeated. This means that each person’s life experience is unique in its own way. And this leaves its mark on us, as on the children of our parents and also on our children. There are people with closer views on life and principles. And the union of these people will have a great chance of success. But this is not an axiom. As well as vice versa. When a relationship moves to a new, deeper stage, over time, unpleasant moments inevitably arise, caused by common everyday life or attitudes towards each other, associated with different temperament, character, and ideological positions. No matter how petty these moments may seem, you need to find agreement in them. Unresolved moments will accumulate and alienate. It is important to understand: over time, if both try for common happiness, understanding and acceptance of each other’s various traits arises. But this requires effort. Bicycle The union of two hearts involves two people. You need to understand that the desire for each other, for understanding each other and for mutual happiness should be mutual. If there are problems or imperfections in the union that only one sees, you need to understand that this concerns everyone. Problems in an alliance cannot concern only one. They always concern both, even if one of the two does not understand it. And the two of you need to decide what to do next. It looks like a bicycle. A bicycle has 2 wheels and in order to move forward, both must spin. Pornography Frankness between people who have decided to connect their lives, interests, have a common life, friends, bed, and possibly children is a necessity. Otherwise, misunderstandings, omissions, secrets, dissatisfaction with the union in principle and doubt about the correct choice of a partner arise. Bed and communication are two parts of one whole. Problems in one of these aspects inevitably cause problems in the second. And this leads to collapse or an unhappy union of two people who are strangers to each other. What happens in the bed of lovers should have no boundaries. If this is a union of mutual love, full of mutual understanding and sensitivity to each other, then frank desires cannot shock or repel the partner. Because everyone is ready to accept the proposal of a loved one. And at the same time, each of the two does not want to offend, humiliate or insult their partner. And both understand it! Everything that happens in bed out of love and mutual consent is only beneficial. And it shouldn't be taboo. The same goes for communication. If a partner hides personal experiences, something that sincerely worries him. Doesn't want to be frank, but.
