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I thought for a long time whether it was worth writing about myself. But later I decided to write anyway, because it was more honest. The algorithm is not a proven scientific work. It is based on my empirical experience, and of course on my personal research on this issue from the theory and experience of other people. Therefore, I still recommend that you listen to yourself. Perhaps my experience will not suit you and the essence of your path in general or milestones at this stage of life is a completely different idea of ​​happiness, satisfaction with fate, dreams and opportunities to create your reality. Perhaps your idea of ​​a dream is the absence of the need to dream, make orders to the macro and microcosm, and assert your intentions. And it is important for you to be in silence... and emptiness... completely trusting your mind or completely trusting a higher mind (to guide you). And I, too, have once been in similar rounds of development. For me this was once important and useful. But if you try to take these steps and you succeed, then I will be sincerely happy for you, if not happy both for you and for the fact that something useful was born from the time of my creation of life. It's not just about how to make some single dream come true. This is, most likely, an algorithm for making dreams come true, which can be applied over and over again to achieve a state of happiness and satisfaction with one’s life. In this article, the concepts of “happiness and satisfaction with one’s life” imply such an aspect as: a person has desire, strength and the ability to dream. And there are also time-tested ways to make these dreams your reality. And as a result, there is an understanding: a path has been taken that is valuable, and a dream embodied in reality is, to some extent, a great act of creation and co-creation with the Universe, a self-complete and integral stage. Is this easy to achieve? Make your dreams come true? Yes, it's surprisingly simple. But why then cannot each of us say with a great degree of confidence that he is happy, satisfied with his life and that he is making one dream come true after another? Why can someone say that he is the Master, Wizard and Engineer of his life, but for others such well-known methods of visualization or positive thinking do not work? I perfectly understand the bewilderment and distrust of many people who despair of believing in their dreams and dreaming. After all, I myself have been confused more than once by certain turns on the path to my dreams. And I am exactly the person who could call himself the Master of Dreams from his childhood crib. Like any child, I dreamed as a child. My acquaintance with the first acts of creation of my own life began with the gifts of Father Frost and the Wizard Akchomam (read the other way around - “mommy”). They gave me gifts for the New Year and my birthday, bringing me bears and skates. But I wanted a Magic Wand! And my mother advised me not to take Akchomam’s only magic wand, which he uses to give us gifts. Apparently then I experienced the first disappointment in my ability to control reality. And I had to go through many destinations for this day: pain, disappointment, happiness, inspiration, and admiration for the Magnificent Creation of Life and our ability to create. And now, today, I have this Magic Wand... I analyzed a bunch your wishes come true. And I discovered that such success could not come chaotically over and over again. Just as the complex structure of DNA could not have arisen from the first chemical soup on planet Earth, which today has a solid scientific basis. Something that repeats itself many times has some order and some laws. How is it, you ask, that dreams have any laws? Isn't this just our imagination? Isn’t this sometimes the complete ravings of a madman? Another thing is goals. And then, it’s not always possible to come to them. Yes, you are right, I will answer you. This is an important point. A dream, in my opinion, differs from a goal in that it is, as it were, a bolder throwing of a goal, not limited by anything, and especially notlimited by our cold mind. It is like setting a goal by the childish part of our soul, which believes in goodness and miracles. This is an important resource of our body that must be respected and given a place in our lives. Let's remember that materialists are already nervously smoking after the discovery of invisible matter, dark energy and other amazing phenomena in the Universe. And rather, it makes sense to affirm and study what exists, and not to deny what has not yet been discovered. This means that if this resource works for many people and helps them make their lives the way they want, then there is a reason to think about what, perhaps , dream management is invisible, but possible. So, this magic wand is my algorithm for achieving a dream. If you want to feel peace and happiness from the fact that you are almost, and perhaps every day, living in Your Incarnate Dream (or even several), then here are your steps... 1. Consists of 4 stages: analysis, gratitude, search for dreams, balanced planning. Compare the three times with each other (Past-present-future) and summarize. When I analyze and summarize, I understand that my life is filled with miracles, even those that I never dreamed of. And this greatly inspires new dreams! I once read a perplexed article by a person who did not like the phrase: “God works miracles in my life.” I completely understand him. If your neighbor told you that yesterday he saw a real dinosaur, you wouldn't believe him. And even if you saw this dinosaur yourself, I think you would not believe yourself for some time. But if, my dear reader, you looked at this dinosaur every day, then it would become for you as mundane as brushing your teeth. And then the doubts of others would surprise you. And so, when people make lists of miracles that have already happened in their lives (this is an exercise), when they allow magic to happen, then it begins not only to be, but to happen even daily. It comes as often as we want it, it's magic. By magic, as you already understand, I mean the fulfillment of our desires and moreover... the wildest desires... When suddenly the people you need come, when they offer you what you need right now, for your dream project. When you are given gifts, love, help, support just like that, and when suddenly you find yourself in a place where you thought you would never be, only by the will of a higher power. And you feel: something mystical is in the air... But wait, don’t close your eyes to it, don’t try to run away and then not remember. People want, but are afraid of miracles. They are afraid of an unknown force that they cannot master with their minds. Although, if you think about it, we are surrounded by mysticism everywhere - we live in an unknown Universe, with more and more new things being revealed to us, inexplicable by early science. To the point that in some places in the universe there are absolutely no laws of our material three-dimensional world! The first thing you need to start with is to awaken your child who believes in miracles, but is disappointed somewhere along the way. We need to show him that there have been and are many miracles in his life. This is a simple exercise: make a list of miracles in your life that have already been created by you together with the macrocosm. Make a list of all your dreams come true. Gratitude...When you are surprised by the list (well, yes, of course, dear reader, I understand that it may not appear immediately, but only after 10 hours of reflection and memories (just kidding), and asking other people: “What kind of miracles do they have?” This will remind you of your realized miracles). So, you will be surprised that the Universe took care of you, helping you become happy, I hope so. And it's time for gratitude. It kind of cements within your mind the feeling that you are lucky and not a loser! Another exercise (preferably daily) is to list everything for which you are grateful to the Creator. Difficult? Then go to places where the disadvantaged collect the remains of rotting food from garbage dumps, tohospitals where they bring dying people or unconscious drug addicts and other places that personally sobered me up very well... A very useful thing. This is how we begin to understand how many gifts we have to be completely happy and fulfilled, how many possibilities we have. We are alive... We are breathing... Well, besides that, if we dig, oh-so-so much... Read inspiring stories and watch movies. This is so - you will make sure. Balance. Periodically, as much as it is important to you, but at least once a year (on New Year's Eve)), you sit down with a pen and notebook and make a list of your dreams. You write them down as life goals. Probably, the Circle of Balance of Needs is already widely known to everyone. Draw a circle. Ask yourself: what do I need? What do I want in love, in family, in finances, in career, in communication with friends, in spiritual development, in health, in creativity? You draw a circle divided into 8 parts. Designate them as 8 areas of your life that are important to you, for your happiness and satisfaction with life. And then you indicate your satisfaction in these areas of life everywhere as a percentage. For example, in the area of ​​personal health - how satisfied are you with everything? Or would you like to improve something in order to be absolutely happy from awareness of your health in the “here and now”? How rested and cheerful are you? Absolutely nothing bothers you? How do you feel about being a potential long-liver? And are you doing anything to improve your health? Then 100%. Or do you need to heal some organs? And you don’t get enough rest and are irritated beyond measure? Then, for example, 10%. And so with all areas of life. Then, paint over all areas. And then this spider of your life is visible. Or a lopsided man, lame, as if from a battlefield, injured from an attack and half de-legged. Or a cheerful, full-fledged spider, caressed by fate like the summer sun, with uniform and intact legs, joyfully walking through the fields of your life and weaving a web like a dream catcher, luring good luck and luck. Now, on the first step, it is important for you to embrace everything areas of your life. You can't be half happy. As soon as you set the right goals and start filling them with energy, and don’t forget your real life on the far shelf of the closet, dusty, then you will already feel many times happier than you do now. What does “correct” mean in this context, I will tell you in the article, dear reader. I believe that you may not like the words “right - wrong”, “should” - “don’t”. I didn’t like them myself when my mom and dad told me about them. But I fell in love with them very much when in practice they led me to the realization of complete happiness and harmony in the “here and now.” Having indicated, even intuitively, the percentage of satisfaction, you begin to describe in more detail what you would like to have or do in these areas to come to an even percentage in all areas of life. Minimum 50% in each section of the circle. Well, of course, 100% is better. Balance between all areas of life is important when planning. Well, a person cannot be completely happy, for example, if he even has a rise in his career, but he does not start doing anything when he gets out of his loneliness. Balance will be important when the car of your consciousness starts the engine and sets off on the path to your dreams. This balance, which coaches talk a lot about, by the way, when drawing up goals, is no less important when living every day of your life. These goals of yours should be present in your life every day, even for a millimeter, even for 15 minutes; it is important to move in the direction of all these designated areas of your life. Let’s say you have 90% health, but you won’t stop doing exercises, taking care of your personal height or family, if you have done it before? It is important to do something every day for all these areas of life. Should we focus on one of them, the less satisfactory one? I have often seen such recommendations. For example, if a woman is divorced, she needs to first concentrate on her career and not putgoals in one year - to get married and get a new job. So, from my own experience and the examples of other people, I was convinced that it is important to direct energy into all areas of life. Daily. Drawing up a plan for the week, for the day, for the month, which includes goals in all areas. Even if they are small, comfortable for you, but their place is to be with you every day. Although I am irrational, when I plan and distribute evenly, I feel good. And there are many reasons for this. You don’t know how long you will live, and you may never know the happiness of family life while pursuing a career. Or you never organize an exhibition of your paintings while working as an accountant or teacher. By postponing for later, you cannot claim that you know exactly how many wonderful, potentially abundant days are still given to you in your destiny. Another reason is to be happy here and now. What will bring satisfaction, a one-time act when a dream comes true, and a whole year or 10 years, going towards it unsatisfied? Or every day, a little closer to it, come into contact with it, without putting it off until later, and rejoice, every day? And yet... it’s so important, the more and more often the energy is invested in a dream, the greater the chances of its realization, the faster it will come to your door and knock. And what’s interesting is that in 21 days your brain will form a new conditioned reflex to move towards your dreams. Yes, there will be days of exceptions (I will write about this in step 3), when the focus will shift slightly to this or that dream, when you will generally take a break from everything, some days of life without a plan. Of course, sometimes we move towards goals and dreams under stress, focusing on one more. But... This should not become the norm, but only a temporary exception. The best solution is to try this point for yourself. Only experience will clearly show the truth, unlike our quirky and sometimes “emotionally drunk” mind.2. Trust the resource of the Higher Self (Higher Power, Macrocosm), turn to it daily and activate it. The spiritual component and turning to the Healthy Part of your Self is very important. Our dysfunctional part of personality contains many false, harmful beliefs (It’s bad to be rich). Also there may be sick scenarios of your kind lurking (cunning grandparents who were afraid to be rich or loved and happy), or rather their experience in the form of poisonous schemes for moving towards the goal. You want to buy a house, and these scenarios lead you to unsuccessful actions in this direction. You are acting to your own detriment. And there is a lot more that may be hiding in the nooks and crannies of the unconscious. What does not lead you, but takes you away from your dreams. Therefore, it is incredibly important to turn daily to the resource of the higher healthy self in the form of prayer, conversation, installation, self-hypnosis, meditation, self-hypnosis and other methods. Invite this resource into your life, ask it to guide you and rely on it. Your Main Higher Self is the one who knows where you should go better than all the psychologists in the world!3. Take action daily. Goals. Plans. “God has no hands other than yours” - there is such a true metaphor. It is so wonderful that we, having received the resource of the Higher Self, the superpower of our brain, having received the resource of the Macrocosm, can, of our own free will, move towards the goal every day for at least 3 minutes. At least 1 minute. If you missed or forgot or couldn't... Just go back to the beginning. From one minute a day. And of course increasing the time. Write goals for a week, for one day. Plan for the day, week, month, six months, year. Do what you planned. Summarize achieved goals. Write goals and summarize with a partner or support group. Make a list of absolutely any things to do towards your dream, such as: read something, watch something, do some small action, big action. And look at this list every day. Do 1 point.4. To dream and live as if it had already come true. That is, to ask the question: How would a rich person live, think, act? (your dream for example). How could I know? You ask. From the collective unconscious that holds the keys to everyonelocks and answers to all questions. IN YOUR unconscious. It is important to awaken the artistic child again, to get used to the role of the person who made your dream come true. As a futurist, I do this with wonderful people who are thinking about their plans. We enter the role of ourselves in the future, we play out this scene of the future and explore the feelings and sensations in the body. It becomes clear whether the goal is to your liking. The brain is activated, later finding ways to a goal that is emotionally attractive and understandable at the level of the mind and body. It is important to live like this, like your ideal person lives. Your thinking changes, and there is nothing else left for your external reality to do but reflect your internal one. How does this person think? How does he sleep? How is he? What does he say? What mood is he in? Is he happy, and if so, how does he react to everything around him? Happy and unhappy people react to situations completely differently. But if it’s difficult for you, and you feel sick at the thought that you need to act against your wishes. Not to punch you in the face, but to calmly leave, wishing the person well, then... it’s time to move on to the next point. And strengthen the previous one. Remember the miracles of your life (instead of resenting God. Do not repress the resentment, but work through it, of course. In the next step.)5. Healing the inner world - resistance, obstacles, fears, changing the scripts of the subconscious. Dealing with envy. The most unpleasant thing begins here. Meeting your inner shadow figures. Perhaps the universe has long had everything you need, but you DON’T SEE it! This is it – resistance to success and a bunch of your fears and beliefs from your parents, culture, TV and society. Your pain. Your disappointments. We need to work with this. And the universe is infinitely generous in helping you. These are coaches, psychologists, various self-help groups, support groups and other options for healing the inner world. This is what prevents all seven billion people from becoming happy, and rich, and loved. Only a part of us, beautiful and great people in our potential, reaches the end. To reach your cherished goal through your fears. The mirror of the soul, from which our inner child and grandparents, who are offended by fate, look at us, who suffered a lot and greatly, and the shadows of a sick culture, full of dramas, and all human pain from the collective unconscious. But what is there more? Resource, resource and once again a resource of Superpowers, Superpowers. A resource that gives birth in us to wizards and co-creators (together with the Macrocosm) of our own destiny. Who writes our book of life? We ourselves. Who is the main character of our movie of life? We ourselves. And our inner core of personality, which is connected with the Macrocosm. About envy. She's also a drag. It tells us that we are failures. But we can easily make her an assistant. I’ll just give you a table as an example. What outrages you in other people is what you feel envious of. Don't be afraid of her. We will meet her. This is an intimate but honest process. Write a list of those you envy (especially those who respond to your dream), what exactly you envy. And point 3 - write what you can do today or tomorrow, that is, in the near future, similar to what this person is doing? Is he a dancer? You sign up for a dance. Is he acting in films? Start your own video channel. Is he a successful businessman? Go to the tax office and find out what you need to open a business. Sign up for startup courses: “How to start your own business from scratch?” I think you understand this mechanism. Next you need to put your little plan into action. And you will get closer to your goals faster than you thought. And you will also find out what attracts you, what types of activities? What are your talents? Something you secretly envy. 6. Working with limiting beliefs, information asceticism. Self-support. Inspiring examples - every day. I have already talked about how limiting beliefs and suggestions prevent our dreams from coming to us. And now you have cleared your mind. But no matter where you look, it’s as if the video was put on repeat. All around, on TV, the Internet, in casual conversations, the flow of negative, limiting andpoisonous beliefs from person to person. How bad it is to live. How difficult it is to live. How bad everyone is. The rich are so bad. How impossible it is to get married after 30, with children, how impossible it is to leave an unhappy relationship and create new happy ones. That someone else can become a famous writer, artist, performer, coach, architect, businessman, only the rich or the child of the rich, but not us... My inner child shrinks at these phrases. He does not want to dream, much less make, as it may seem to him, empty movements towards a dream. After all, everything will be useless! Disappointing! But we will calm him down. And let's say that these are all fairy tales of unhappy and unlucky people who do not want to work on themselves and take responsibility. But our loving inner parent will take responsibility for taking care of our vulnerable inner child. And now our task is to carry out asceticism. Stop watching these programs, films, read these books and articles, listen to these people. We will support ourselves and our inner little creator. And instead of poisonous phrases, listen and read and watch a little bit every day only inspiring stories, books and films about great people who realized their dreams and goals. Especially about those whose realized dreams are similar to yours.7. Circle of friends and environment. Asceticism of communication. Circle of support. You may also have to part with some friends and family for a while (to completely limit communication and contact). Those who are toxic can greatly hinder you from achieving your dreams. Not on purpose, but due to its lack of implementation. Calmly and politely limit contact with them. Those who damage self-esteem, do not believe in you, do not believe in your dream, hint, accuse, threaten, dissuade. Even unconsciously. And instead of this circle of friends, you acquire a new one. By actively communicating and opening up to where the Macrocosm and your higher unconscious are leading you, you meet those who are ready to support you, as they are on the path or have already arrived. These people can give you many useful connections and ideas for your project. And, believe me, the universe is also abundant with such people. You just need to open up to them. Make a request to the higher self to search for such people. And learn to interact with them on a different level. Not as a loser, but as a successful, happy person realizing his dreams.8. Be willing to turn in other directions from your dreams. Trust what comes your way. Trust that the best comes. Perhaps your dreams were not yours, but the Universe was in sync with your true dreams and needs. I have already written about this. The Universe responds to the work we do. She brings a lot of opportunities and people. Maybe you don’t believe it now. And these seem like empty pretentious words. But this is only because few such events occur in your experience. If you open up... (Yes, I understand, it’s scary)... But if you start to slowly open up, trust, ask your Higher Self to help you, then such amazing things will accumulate in your experience. And you will see how everything changes dramatically in your life. But sometimes it seems to us that everything went wrong, we were refused somewhere, our dream was not supported and other troubles. This means that your wise, all-knowing subconscious has chosen something better for you! He has an accurate and more masterful aim...Another metaphor reflects the essence of this step: “God has only three answers for me: “Yes, dear!”, “Yes, dear, but later!”, “No, dear, I have prepared something better for you” Often we see that the wise higher one led us to another, more suitable dream, or saved us from more serious troubles. From which ones? We can't always calculate this. All that remains is to trust. I did not become the director of this company - I opened my own company a year later. I didn’t marry this man, but a month later I met another who was a more suitable partner, but the previous one turned out to be a ladies’ man and gigolo. I didn’t go on vacation, but I was sick, and while sitting at home, I started painting. Six months later she became a famous artist. These are like this.
