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Today in Arcanum X of the Wheel of Fortune, while exploring the Tarot of Ramses, suddenly the stream of Bhakti appeared behind the streams of Osiris and Anubis. Then Lakshmi and Basted. The work went unexpectedly. Returning the flows to the dead Osiris, taking back the connection with the flows of Bhakti, Lakshmi and Basted. They allowed us to experience coming to life, entering the body, joining the flows that symbolize love, acceptance, joy from being in the body, dissolution in any experience. Without judgment, in any case, it is unique, inimitable, yours. In the flow of Bhakti, all the experience of the past is important and necessary, but it should not be dragged into the present and especially into the future. Life is constantly changing, fluid, and every moment of it, like drinking water in the heat, should be important and desirable. Only because there is a desire to live. Bhakti is life itself, desire and thirst for life. It experiences dissolved happiness from being in the body, among people, in any circumstances, on planet Earth. The flow of happiness from the fact that you are part of nature. People spending Bhatka enjoy the sun, water, air, earth, life, bright colors. They accept all the colors of the world and its forms, being in a conscious perception of the beautiful, of all life on Earth. Accepting the very opportunity for everything to grow on the entire planet, joy and dissolution in this flow for life. Later, in trauma, in violence, after the Vietnam War, during the heyday of the “Hippie” movement, this flow began to be carried out by the so-called “Rastafarians”, for due to the use of marijuana and other psychotropic substances, but for a while while the grass is in effect. At this time, the warriors who used marijuana began to have thoughts about the meaninglessness of war, about the acceptance of people in different species and races, about the fact that it was really painful and they didn’t want to die. Propaganda of violence in this stream becomes meaningless. Soldiers don't want to kill people. Love and acceptance of everyone as part of the Earth, as part of oneself, awakens. The political struggle for the consciousness of warriors, the propaganda of war become the main battle. The American army marches across the world from a distance - bombing from airplanes, shelling from tanks. The fewer contacts with the civilian population, the faster they do their job, the less opportunity to feel the pain and love for the people who are being killed. The price of the issue is that many fighters against the war have become simply drug addicts, and the war continues to go on around the world, offering their harder drugs - weapons, permissiveness, robbery, marauding, appropriation of new territories and unpunished violence. Even if it is a desert or a garbage dump, illness or war in the Bhakti stream there is an acceptance of the state of people without this stream - this is their good will to abandon Bhatka for the sake of new ones experiments. Only in the flow of non-humans, vampires and marauders, in the Dead God can you be allowed to kill your own kind for the sake of immediate profit, and the Earth on which you live. Bhakti also accepts this experience of people - any experience is important to him, because it is so interesting to live in the world. Bhakti is a flow of unconditional love. Love that you don’t have to deserve, for which you don’t have to sacrifice anything, love that doesn’t consider time, money, skin color, age, or gender. Full flow of love. In this flow one experiences feelings of fullness and happiness, acceptance of any manifestation of another person, of any being. At the same time, you realize your autonomy, that you yourself are not him, he is someone else. Another, and if he does not feel this state of the flow of Bhakti, this is his insensitivity. And this is also accepted. Bhakti does not force you with its love, does not force you to pray for yourself, does not subject you to humiliation and humiliation. If you want to be a slave or an orphan with him, be a slave or an orphan; if you want to be a servant or a mother with him, be a servant or a mother; if you want to feel him like a genie, you will perceive him like that, he will fulfill your desires like a genie; if you want to be a friend, he will be friends with you; if you want to imagine yourself as his master, he is ready to interact with this too, smiling slyly, waiting for your insight; and if you get into a relationship with him openly, honestly admitting that you don’t know him, that you’re ready to see him off as
