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Eyes! How important is this organ for an ordinary person? What place does vision occupy among other analyzers? You don’t even need to answer these questions, just try to leave the apartment and try to buy a loaf of bread in the nearest store - with your eyes closed or blindfolded. I am in no way trying to intimidate you, but sometimes the careless behavior of parents raises big questions and doubts. Sometimes you watch as a child begins to squint, does something with his eyes, trying to see something, or simply begins to rub them, blink. And what do adults themselves do with their irreplaceable (!) eyes? Stop beating around the bush. Let's look at what ophthalmologists and other specialists in this field advise us. If your eyes hurt, then you need to turn them in all possible directions, and also “shoot” with your eyes: look at distant objects, and then at close ones, and again at distant ones, etc. I’ll tell you, if you go out with vision problems, do exactly as the ophthalmologists say, because otherwise you won’t come to them for glasses! And if you want to go without glasses and contact lenses, and not apply for laser surgery, then read carefully, and try to understand what I want to convey. To begin with, let’s turn our attention to the eye, to its physiology and structure. This will help us understand in which cases it is necessary to avoid additional stress and what pain in the eyes and stinging means. And how to get rid of it. There are 2 theories of the functioning of the eye. The first is the historically earlier theory of Helmholtz. According to which, clarity of vision, farsightedness, myopia and astigmatism entirely depend on the lens and ciliary muscle. Curvature and/or inability to change the curvature of the lens predisposes to disease. This theory can be found in any anatomy textbook, and unfortunately, it is this theory that today has determined the only way to treat the eyes - through glasses to surgery. Just imagine that this theory is not true - how many eyes have gone blind due to her fault? How many schoolchildren suffer because of the need to wear glasses? And there is a second theory - the theory of William Bates. This theory, supported by 30 years of research by the author, suggests that the external extraocular muscles and oblique muscles of the eye take part in the processes of focusing visual objects. The latter, which encircle the eyeball in a circle, precisely determine the focusing of the image on the retina. Thus, this theory, throughout its existence, has never encountered a case that would go beyond its scope. Helmholtz's theory does not tolerate criticism even in its main part. Unable to explain and cure astigmatism, nearsightedness or farsightedness of one eye, strabismus. Within the framework of Helmholtz's theory, there is only one way out - different lenses for the left and right eyes, for looking into the distance from above and near, but from below, and other sophistications of ophthalmology. We will not focus our attention on the errors of the first theory, but will move directly to practice. After all, it is practice that makes it possible to get rid of pain in the eyes, dryness, myopia, astigmatism, etc. So, what does it give us, ordinary people, a different idea of ​​vision? Firstly, the opportunity to restore vision through simple exercises. But since the recovery process itself is very long, and it is much faster to buy glasses, we will focus on keeping vision up to date and the ability to relieve tension from tired eyes. So, let's summarize briefly - the eye is a visual receptor, the clarity of perception of which depends on the condition of the oblique muscles. These are the muscles we will work with. I remember a Soviet film where a bomb from World War 2 was discovered in the roof of a house. It just fell from the attic straight onto the dining table, but did not explode. Then the strongest man in the village picked her up and carried her down onto the transport. After this, his veins swelled, his muscles did not unclench... Muscle overstrain occurred due to.
