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1. Stand up straight, but not at attention. Tighten your thigh muscles, fold your arms across your chest, and then, inhaling slowly and deeply, lift them above your head so that they form an arch (while touching your ears with your hands). Stretch out as much as possible. 2. Stand like this for a few seconds, holding your breath. Then open your arms slightly (do not bend them) and slowly lean forward, exhaling as you do so. Try to touch the ground with your entire palm at some distance from your feet. Comment: You may feel slightly dizzy at first. If you fail to touch the ground with your palms, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to try. Don't resort to force. Don't be upset about mistakes. The hardest thing is not to bend your legs. Over time, you can bring your hands closer and closer to your feet. Comment: If you have a curvature of the spine, you should, of course, be careful, but you don’t have to give up the exercise. 3. Do a series of positions 1-2 three times. 4. Assume the bent position that results from position 2. Place your palms on the ground and step your right leg as far back as possible. Then bend your left knee. The chest will rest on the thigh. Move your left leg as far back as possible and raise your head. 5. Using your palms and toes, pull your body forward. Your chest will come out in front of your arms, and your knees, then your hips and belly, will touch the ground. The feet do not form an acute angle, as before, but an obtuse angle. Then the chest will fall to the ground, between the forearms. 6. From this position, with your forearms not under your chest, but on both sides of it, lying face down, take several deep breaths and exhalations. Then, using your palms and forearms, slowly lift your upper body. 7. In this position, with your arms extended and holding your breath, remain for one second (at the beginning of classes; later you will increase this period). After exhaling completely, return to the starting position. 8. Repeat the series of positions 1-7 three times. Try to do it not only using arm strength. The whole body should work, especially the spine. Tighten your stomach. 9. After resting for a couple of minutes, clasp your head with your hands, placing your fingers on your temples and the top of your forehead. Do not lift your elbows and forearms off the ground. Then slowly stand up, raising the middle of your body and resting partly on your forehead and elbows, partly on your toes. Having risen, move first one leg closer to your head, then the second, so that your body resembles an arch. 10. Bend your torso, tilt your head and shoulders back. At the same time, grab your ankles with your hands. The head should go far back; look at the sky or the ceiling. The more arched the torso, the better the pose. The angle formed by the lower and upper legs should be as large as possible. 11. Relax your legs, tense your torso. Sit on your heels or even between your heels. Bend forward, your head should be close to the ground or even touching it, so that your nose is between your knees. Stretch your arms back and place the backs of your hands on the ground. You folded into three and relaxed. You feel a sense of pleasure. Rest as much as you want. 12. Sit on the ground, keep your body straight. Spread your legs as wide as possible. 13. Bend your left leg and use your hands to pull your heel toward your thigh, as close to the groin fold as possible. Then try to keep your left knee on the ground. Note: This is difficult. For the first time, place a pillow or rolled up mat under your back. With this support it will be easier for you to keep your left knee on the ground.
