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A child SHOULD NOT share toys!!! How can it be, you say, on the contrary, children should be taught to share so that they don’t grow up to be greedy! No! No! And again, no! And sometimes you even need to teach not to give away your things or toys if another child takes/demands/asks for them.... learn to defend your boundaries and desires two simple rules: ✅A child can share his toys and things only according to his own desire✅If the toys are shared, then whoever takes them first plays as much as he wants. Well, imagine that you bought new earrings or shoes, a friend came to visit - let her wear your earrings, share, don’t be greedy! Or give it to a friend the keys to your car, let him drive for a day, then return it. Also, give your neighbor your wallet, you have to share! Well, will you share? I’m sure not! Exactly the same thing happens with a child. Very often, children perceive their toys or things as part of themselves, as their continuation... well, it’s like sharing your leg. If you don’t force the child, don’t impose it on him as it should , and let him play as much as he wants, then naturally the moment will come when he himself wants to share the joy of the toy with another or simply gives it away himself, since the interest fades away, the need is satisfied. Of course, we, as parents, tell our child that sharing is nice and someone else will want to share with you. We thank the child for giving us something of his own.... we teach him, but don’t force him!!! We use phrases such as: “thank you for sharing, I’m very glad”, “what an interesting thing you have, give me should I look, please, I’ll look and return it,” “I also like this toy, tell me about it,” and so on. Accordingly, we teach the child not to take toys from another. Phrases will help here: “This toy is busy, wait until it becomes free or choose another one,” “This toy is someone else’s, its owner is a boy or a girl, let’s get to know him... you can ask for this toy, if the owner wants, he will share "..., we teach to respect the boundaries of others. Why did a child take something that he liked, play with it for five minutes and have to give it back, just because someone else liked the same thing too? ..... do you have an answer? But if you have a question, write in the comments, I will definitely answer!
