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Unfortunately, the expression of anger is frowned upon in society. If something happens that you don’t like, but you don’t react, then nothing will change. You will continue to live and endure. For example, you are communicating with a friend, and she talks about herself for a long time and continuously. You can continue to listen, sincerely wishing that she would finally shut up. And then just take a pill for blood pressure and yell at your child for that he didn’t turn off the light. Or you can say that there is too much information for you, you are tired, you are already starting to get irritated and are not ready to listen to it anymore and want, for example, to talk about something else. Why at the point when it became It’s clear that you don’t want to listen to her; many people decide to continue doing this? It's scary to offend a person. A person can be offended, yes. But it was not you who offended him. He has a choice how to react. It's not your responsibility. It's scary to seem impolite. It's impolite to say, “Shut your mouth.” But talking about your feelings is at least caring towards yourself and honest towards others. It’s scary to lose a relationship. Perhaps a person is ready to continue a relationship with you only if you are comfortable, white and fluffy. Are you sure that you need this relationship? What’s really scary is to live a life that is not your own, to be convenient for others, to show only your best part, every time choosing someone else instead of yourself and therefore to live a life that is not your own. Ideally: I feel like I’m angry - I get my bearings because of what - I understand what exactly I don’t like - I take an action that affects the situation. And I live the life that I want. In reality, we often do not notice slight irritation. Once, twice, three times. And we begin to feel anger even when it is difficult to control, when everything is infuriating, when it becomes destructive. Blocked anger makes it impossible to control it. Anger discovered in time contains a huge potential for change. I often give clients the task of writing down everything during the day what you felt and mark in connection with what. Try it, you will find a lot of interesting things))
