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Each of us repeatedly faces difficulties in communicating with people: with our relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances or complete strangers. And today there are many known factors that hinder communication: starting from personal qualities (you will probably remember from your life an exemplary dialogue when in a long line there appear those who: a) want to bypass it / go through it faster; b) those who begin to express their dissatisfaction; c) those who decide to remain silent), ending with the surrounding situation (for example, a dialogue between two students before an exam: - Yes, you will pass this exam, don’t be afraid! Listen, I went to the cinema to see such a cool movie yesterday! Let me tell you! So, there ….- I have no time for this now, come on later). Therefore, building a constructive dialogue and speaking so that you are heard is an entire art, a certain skill in which you need to constantly train. In my opinion, a person is accompanied throughout his entire life by his family: our life begins in the family, and then, as an adult, we have (sooner or later) the desire to create our own. And such a desire implies a number of different questions, for example: “How to avoid disappointments and form a full-fledged family?”, “How to save a family?”, and the most common: “How to talk and learn to hear and understand each other?” And it is communication disorders in the family that are a typical and pressing problem in marital conflicts. So what is a communication problem? Let's look at an example: Imagine that you are carrying a heavy bag. Your partner walks nearby, but doesn’t think to help. How will you behave in this situation?1) I’ll tell you directly and ask for help2) I won’t say anything, but I’ll be unhappy3) I’ll hint4) I’ll try to do something so that he understands5) I won’t do anything A communication problem is when one of the partners has a certain need arises (for help), depending on the actions of another (to pick up a heavy bag). Moreover, such an action would take place when the first one conveyed the information: hinted or said directly. But such transfer is not carried out (for example, due to some psychological characteristics), so the need persists without its satisfaction. There are several types of “typical violations” of the communication process in the family (E. G. Eidemiller and V. V. Justitsky): “Rejected communications” (instead of dialogue, monologue takes advantage; when talking, family members do not look at each other; one of the partners “forgets” " about the process of communication, turns away and begins to do other things); "Paradoxical communication": the concept of a double connection (in the process of communication there are two mutually exclusive messages, and each should be perceived as truth. For example: a husband, coming home from work, approaches his wife, to hug her. The wife is busy having dinner in the kitchen and does not accept the hug, moves away, and the husband retreats and goes about his business. And after a while the wife approaches her husband, and says: “Why are you so passive and don’t come to me. at all?”); “Disguised communication” (the main idea is camouflage, “obscuring” what is happening in the family. For example: when the husband went to work, the wife sat on the couch and watched TV. Coming home from work, he observed the same picture. His gloomy look was noticed by his wife: J.: are you angry? M.: no, just tired (in an irritated tone). J.: why do you look angry? M.: it seemed to you. J.: why are you telling a lie? I see.M.: I don’t know what you’re talking about. Everything is fine. In the process of life, any family faces problematic situations, because a family is a complexly organized system that is constantly developing. Therefore, if we talk directly and honestly with our partner, then disruptions in the communication process will be minimized. After all, thanks to open and constructive communication, partners become closer to each other, they have
