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"Friend, leave me smoking" - and in response - silence... He did not return from battle yesterday. And if a friend did not fight, is alive and well, but responds to your request with silence, what then? How to deal with being ignored? The person becomes physically uncomfortable. It is no coincidence that solitary confinement in prison is the cruelest punishment. People go crazy in them. Ignore is the message "don't live." Not directly, not in words, but in a strange response to your call. I don’t see or hear you, you don’t exist for me. When silence is your answer, the body can perceive this signal as a very bad sign - one of you has died. And when you observe signs of activity from a “friend”, it means that he is alive. So you died. But no. You're alive too. So what's the matter? Instead of simply refusing, they don't give you any answer. Come up with something yourself. You're so smart! Or maybe you just won’t notice my silence. A negative reaction is better than no reaction at all. This is very noticeable in the behavior of children. Whims and bad behavior are often just an attempt to get at least some attention from parents. It is important for us to know that we exist. This requires any feedback from other people. Especially close people. It’s easier to survive rejection than to ignore it. Everyone at least once in their life has asked the question: “why is it difficult to say “no”? a wave of indignation hits - don’t you dare do this to me! I’m alive! Answer something. We receive silence in response to our requests and appeals in two cases. The first is that a person does not know how to refuse you gracefully, so as not to offend, so as not to spoil. relationship. If you realize this and at the same time feel used, then this is your task and you need to ask the question: would I do everything I did for this person if I knew in advance that he or she would do it. will refuse my request. And answer this question honestly. If your answer is “yes,” then you gave attention and care sincerely and you do not regret it. If your answer is “no” and you would refuse half the cases, then this means that you were counting on gratitude and compensation for your investments. Hence the feeling of imbalance. Just reduce your participation. You also need to learn to refuse honestly. Secondly, they want to punish you. The person is offended by something, condemns you in his head and carries out the sentence. Here you need to figure out what they want from you and whether you are ready to give what they are hinting at with deathly silence. The most important thing!!! Clearly understand that ignoring (for all its cruel message) is not directed against you personally. This is an instrument of pressure or embarrassment of another person. Responses depend on the intensity of your experiences. I usually close this question myself and write to the person that I perceive silence as ignorance and then write about my feelings. Whether to continue the relationship or end it depends on the specific situation. Friends! Thank you for reading to the end. If you liked the article, I would be grateful for a repost. I’m always glad to see you on my B17 page https://www.b17.ru/nfinogenova/#article Subscribe! Let's meet more often
