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A 4- or 5-year-old shooter suddenly declares.✋🏻Calm down. There’s no need to faint.🤌🏻What do you need? And does the phenomenon have a name?🫵🏻Yes. I’ll tell you now. A child of any age strives to be like his parent. Remember this statement. It is true for all manifestations in the line of child-parent relationships. But in this particular situation we will talk to you about the “Oedipus complex” - in relation to sons and the “Electra complex” in relation to daughters. Its (complex) manifestation is normal at the age of 3-5 years (on average). I’ll tell you using the example of boys. As soon as a child enters this phase of development, he strives to please his mother and at the same time experiences jealousy towards his father (the degree of manifestation in each family and each specific child is individual). The child strives to be “ like dad,” supplant his role/participation/significance in relation to mom. The Oedipus complex is a kind of period of identifying oneself with a specific gender, the foundation of future sexuality. This is a period of natural development that helps a person build romantic relationships in the future.🤔Can the “Oedipus complex” or “Electra complex” become a pathology?😓Unfortunately, yes.🤯How to avoid this? React as adequately as possible.⛔It is important to clarify the point here— if you are raising your son without the participation of the father or with minimal participation of the father: do not allow the child to perform the functions of an adult, a child is always a child, no matter what difficult life situation his parents find themselves in. ⛔You also can’t make fun of a child’s statements;✅It is important to set boundaries: you are my son and I can’t marry you/I’m already married to your father.✅Be sure to talk to the child, tell him that all adults were children. But all children grow up, meet other people, decide to start families, etc. (here it all depends on your own views, but I repeat once again - adults should be able to adequately respond to the situation without transferring their own traumas onto the child).🟢And now, actually , the legend itself thanks to which Sigmund Freud called this period of development of the human psyche so poetic: Laius, the Theban king, a descendant of the founder of Thebes, Cadmus, in the third generation, received a prediction from the Delphic oracle of the god Apollo that the son who would be born to him would kill his father , marries his mother and destroys his own family with these crimes. Laius began to avoid his wife Jocasta, without explaining to her the reasons for this. The dissatisfied Jocasta got her husband drunk, persuaded him to indulge in love affairs and soon gave birth to a son. Wanting to prevent the fulfillment of the prophecy he had received, Lai pierced the baby’s ankles with nails and ordered him to be thrown on Mount Cithaeron. But the boy was found and saved by a shepherd, who named him Oedipus (“with swollen feet”). The shepherd took Oedipus to Corinth, where he was taken in by the childless king Polybus and his wife Periboea. The royal family passed off Oedipus as their own son, without telling anyone that he was an adopted son. However, when Oedipus grew up, the Corinthians began to notice that he did not look like Polybus or Periboea. Various rumors began to circulate in the city about this. The young man Oedipus became interested in the true circumstances of his birth and went to Delphi to ask the oracle whether he was really the son of King Polybus. “Get out of the sanctuary, you unfortunate one! - the Pythia priestess screamed in horror when she saw Oedipus. “You will kill your father and marry your mother!” Deciding that this prediction applies to Polybus and Periboea, Oedipus decided not to return to Corinth and wandered towards his true homeland - Thebes. At the crossroads of two roads (according to Sophocles, in the Parnassian Schista - the gorge through which the road from Delphi went to the south; according to Aeschylus, at Potnium, near Thebes) he met his real father, the Theban king Laius, riding in a chariot. Mistaking Oedipus for an ordinary commoner, Laius rudely demanded that he give way. The proud young man refused, and Lai's driver drove his wheel over his leg. Oedipus, in a rage, pierced the driver with a spear and began to whip the horses. They carried it. Barking…..©
