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Author's Note: The theme of love triangles is an emotionally charged one. My article may cause different reactions. I do not seek to condemn or justify anyone. My task is to try to see the situation a little more broadly, without strong emotions. The theme of love triangles is captivating. It's easy to lose your head trying to understand the twists and turns of life's dramas and suffering. In fact, everything is both simpler and more complicated at the same time. Simpler in the sense that in this triangle no one is the worst. What’s more difficult is that all the blame and responsibility for this situation must be divided into three, and this is not so simple. In order not to go into ranting about who is to blame and what to do, I want to look at this triangle from one side. And this side is a lover. In this post I will write about women. For myself, I divide women lovers into: 1. Those who take men away. Consciously. I want this man, I take this man. A wife is not a pillar. From the outside it seems that they are not tormented by their conscience, they only do what they want. A sort of Allegro's "The Hijacker". Dangerous predator.2. Those who are seduced by treacherous married men. They are told: I love only you, and I am with her because of the children, the mortgage, work in her father’s company, and so on and so forth. From the outside, these girls look like victims of circumstances. Out of naivety, I fell in love and believes and waits.3. Those who consciously choose the role of a kept woman. For them it's work. They know how to negotiate with themselves, men and, perhaps, even their wives. I will not touch on them in this article. I do not pretend to be omniscient and absolutely truthful, and the topic, as you understand, is very difficult, but I will try to at least slightly lift the not always obvious veil of the suffering of these women. I. The woman who leads away. At first glance, she looks like a confident, successful woman who has achieved her goal. In general, these are the ones you want to hate. Like, she stole a man, broke up a family. What kind of suffering could she have, you ask? And it is that this woman defeated her mother. Remember, Freud had the Electra Complex. After all, when entering into competition with someone else’s wife, we unconsciously compete with our mother. And if someone else’s husband still remains with you, then what to do about it? Incest? Mentally, this is what happens. And this woman begins to suffer, firstly, because she is unable to build a relationship with some other man, free, independent. And secondly, she begins to unknowingly castrate this very “stolen” husband. Accusations may be thrown at him with or without reason. Or they begin to suspect him of “going to the left” and will leave in the end, because he did the same with her. And these women can be like young people who have decided to try everything in this life. So do women for... Maybe because there was no other on the horizon, and the biological clock was ticking. Maybe from ignorance of your own desires and needs. However, there are not very many cases when a woman is happy in such a relationship. II. Those who are seduced by insidious married men."We met at work. He began to pay attention to me. He looked after me. He gave me a ride home. Then I found out that he was married, but he said that everything was over with him and his wife. That he loved me. I believed."Here is one of the typical stories of such women. She can evoke sympathy, poor girl, she’s in trouble; as well as indignation and condemnation: “How come, you have to run away, why are you making a fool of yourself? Probably, you knew everything, you specifically wanted to take the guy away.” So sit in this ambivalence. On the one hand, such a woman feels needed, loved, because she saves him from “this.” And on the other hand, he goes to her in the evenings and weekends, and hides her from everyone. In the distance there is a light of hope that one day the day will come and he will come to me forever, will be with me. Time passes, but this very day still does not come. And somehow it’s hard to believe that it will come, but everything goes as planned, and it becomes almost impossible to leave. In addition to this obvious trap, which, of course, causes suffering. There is also a feeling of my own worthlessness, I am worse than... There is a lot of shame, what if my family/
