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Healthy Egoism or I am! “You think about yourself, which means you are Selfish,” “The interests of others are more important than yours” - these heavy introjects settle in the psyche and destroy fate. A person with such attitudes gives all he can for his children, family and forgets about himself. It turns out that there are no own feelings or needs. This means that I am not there - I seem to be scattered in space - I don’t feel either soul or body. The indignant body screams: “I am”! And suddenly vegetative-vascular dystonia comes to visit with weakness and dizziness. A panic attack spreads in blazing waves of heat and horror. Depression envelops you in despair and hopelessness. I feel bright and intense processes inside that make me turn my attention to myself. I feel that I am not scattered in space, but that I am a separate organism and personality. I begin to listen to myself and change my altruistic lifestyle. I am returning to myself through a psychosomatic illness. But you can avoid physical illness and mental suffering. To do this, it is important to learn to love yourself and take care of yourself. Some consider this selfishness. Selfishness is caring for one’s “I” and its interests, even at the cost of the good of others. “Reasonable” egoism – satisfaction of one’s needs, protection of interests. Self-love and respect. At the same time, respect for the good, personality and boundaries of the other. “What you want, God wants” or “I’m alone at home.” Are these phrases about selfishness or violation of biblical commandments and the laws of society? Varya puts herself first, so is she selfish? But the girl takes care of herself, respecting the interests of others. Is this selfishness? This is a healthy norm of life. When Varya dies, she will go on her last journey alone. It turns out that the only person who will be there from birth to death is herself. And if so, then it is important to take care of this closest person - yourself. And this does not mean that it is to the detriment of other people. Despite the motto: “I’m alone at home,” Varya has close people who love her and whom she loves. The environment appreciates her. Varya is happy and content, filled with resources and useful to other people. It maintains the external shape and internal fullness. Does not spread, protects boundaries, glows with energy and mystery. She has her own beliefs and preferences, which she boldly declares. She doesn't need to be accepted or approved. Chinese wisdom says: “Even if you are an angel, there will always be someone who does not like the rustling of your wings.” You need to be good, first of all, for yourself. And Varya values ​​and respects herself. Varya is free, independent and satisfies her own current needs. And you?
