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From the author: For the benefit of you and your companies. Ideological resources of management: myth or reality! “The ideological component in the management of organizations is something that many managers treat either frivolously or with distrust. After all, this does not “make money”, does not create profit and generally refers to “higher matters”, which often do not have enough place in business. I really want to “respect” the organizational management tools that work with subtle human material – values ​​and desires: to act, work, move, develop in concert and in the same direction. The values ​​and desire of an employee cannot be bought only by a large salary. Make no mistake! It is not born by order of the CEO. Each organization has an age (like a person) with its own characteristics, crises, its own real ideology, history and myths (like any country), a unique organizational culture (like character). All this must be recognized and taken into account in management. This adds complexity to managers, but it is an invaluable resource for managing an organization, creating its competitiveness and indispensability for the client, which now cannot be ignored. Why don’t managers get to the “subtle plan” of the organization? There is no time, no strength, no special knowledge, “my hands don’t get around to it,” it’s too troublesome a question! There are two ways to solve the problem: the manager himself should strain himself and find time and energy, or invite consultants on management and organizational issues to carry out the work. Since in the second case the question arises about those very means (time and money), of which there is never too much, the manager calms himself with the thought “I can do it myself,” “we’ll work on it later,” or “what the...!” And a manager is often stopped by the prejudice that by inviting consultants, he seems to be admitting his powerlessness. Agree, a “childish” position! People tend to unite with those who are close and understandable to them. Then they work productively in an atmosphere of psychological safety. If the organizational environment is aggressive, unfriendly, and neurotic management dominates, then the employee is more worried about his place and safety than about the results of his work - there is no time. This is the law of the functioning of the psyche, no doubt about it. Values ​​are the guiding principles of life, like a compass, by which people compare what is really important and significant and what is not significant. Thus, the value of family encourages some women to abandon careers associated with irregular work schedules and business trips if the family expresses disapproval of such professional ambitions. Thus, people with different values ​​choose different ways to realize similar motives. For example, the desire to conscientiously fulfill job duties in a non-standard situation will prompt one employee to “freeze so as not to harm” and wait for clear orders from the manager, and another to act boldly, show initiative and enterprise. Therefore, the manager will have to form those very clear joint goals and values ​​of the company and the employee, that same atmosphere of efficiency. This is done in group and individual forms of work: · to form a vision of the future not only of the company, but also of a department, employee as part of the organizational system and not only by the owners, but also by each employee · for individual and group goal setting, planning, control (the measure depends on organizational culture and management style); · on training and team building (which fits very well with the theme of corporate celebrations); · development of corporate information exchange; · on the introduction of an assessment system (not only final, but mainly ongoing in the process of work; not only by management, but also self-assessment and assessment of colleagues), which highlights the contribution and value for the company of each employee and department · on the development of regular vertical and horizontal feedback on allissues (and above all “insignificant” in the opinion of the manager, but at the personal level “important” at the level of an ordinary performer, to avoid conflicts) · on building a clear system of motivation (mostly non-material, using rewards for ideological fidelity) of personnel, etc. · on emotionally costly, troublesome conflict management (rather than the more convenient “it will go away on its own” position), etc. The result of the application of ideological management tools is the commitment of employees, which is expressed: · in increasing labor productivity, efficient use of working time and other resources · in increasing employee satisfaction with working conditions and results, a positive work attitude, and therefore the desire to work · in the ability to manage the organization through rules and regulations, which saves the manager’s energy so necessary for the strategic development of the company · in the formation of trust and mutual understanding between management and staff, minimizing resistance to innovation, greater adaptability of the company · in the ability to attract and retain talented employees with a high level of professionalism who have the opportunity to choose a place and the conditions of their work · in an optimistic assessment of the future, self-control, internal motivation for work activity and pride in belonging to the company. Agree, with such employees the company has a future. I remember the Project in one large trading and manufacturing company as a successful example of the use of ideological management tools. At the time of the order, the organization had grown out of the “short pants” of the period of formation and active growth of the business and, logically, should have successfully developed further at the same pace. But the results of operations ceased to please the owners and management. The feeling of stopping and decreasing efficiency has increased. Consultants were invited. I won’t bore you with details, I just want to note that one of the significant reasons for this state of the company was the discrepancy between the organizational culture and the requirements of the changed market environment. The company, in terms of its scale and potential, had already become a player in a serious, competitive market, and lived according to the laws of a clan, organismic organizational culture. The company is strongly focused inward, on people, on processes, on the “fatherly” management style, and forgiveness. This is good in its own way, it allowed us to develop successfully for some time, but now it has become a limitation. The time has come to strengthen and develop the market vector of organizational culture, which is characterized by an orientation towards the outside world, towards clients, competitors, assessments, results, competitiveness and intolerance to mistakes. Most managers and specialists understood the need for change, but understanding does not mean actively implementing it (we all understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, but do we always follow it). During diagnostics and design, a mismatch in the team emerged. Some were in favor of more radical changes, while others took a wait-and-see approach. There was also some obvious resistance. The questions arose: How can a company optimize, acquire new qualities and at the same time maintain important values? When working on optimization, how can you not “squeeze out” loyal, competent employees and attract energetic, sometimes inconvenient “market people”? How to introduce new forms of work with maximum impact and minimal resistance? How to reduce the time to return on investment in company development? This became possible only thanks to the involvement of all employees in the restructuring (of course, to varying degrees), the activation of organizational intelligence and soul. In the course of working with business owners and group work with employees, we had to answer the question of where the company is going and why it is in the new realities, what unique things it gives to clients, and turn to some clarification of the vision, mission, and values. This reduced the natural anxiety among employees, increased awareness of goals and responsibility)
