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It happens that a person goes to a psychologist for a long time and it seems that nothing changes. The client feels like he’s marking time, it’s not getting any easier, or there’s no way out in sight, just like 10 sessions ago. But the problem still requires a solution, and after some thought, our hero changes psychologists and suddenly, in a couple of sessions, a qualitative breakthrough occurs. Insights appear one after another, the request is resolved, relief comes. The client exclaims with admiration: “There was no progress at all with the previous psychologist, but with you!.. With you, we immediately solved my problem!” Here the second psychologist can become proud of his competencies, and perhaps even for good reason. But is everything so simple? Indeed, there is an option that the first psychologist was incompetent, since there was no result for so long. Or he was just doing something wrong. And this really can happen. But this is not the only possible reason for what happened. The changes that occur to a person in psychotherapy are not always visible to the naked eye, even to the person himself. Sometimes it even seems that the next insight is not related to the consultation with a psychologist at all. It didn’t come during the consultation, but after. And it does not take into account that the psychologist gave him several consultations and tried to highlight the topic from different angles. Or the psychologist has been gradually approaching the solution to the request for a month. Works to create a three-dimensional view of the situation, examines different points of view, works with resistance. And now there are literally a couple of steps left. At this stage the client cannot stand it and changes the psychologist. And gets quick results. Because the ground for this has already been prepared and all the preliminary work has been done. The moral of this story is this. It’s normal to go to another specialist if there is no progress with the current one. But you shouldn’t devalue the work, because it’s not always really visible to the client. In general, if you feel that nothing is changing, ask a psychologist about it. Perhaps after he tells you about your own results, which you for some reason lost sight of, you will change your mind about leaving)
