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A spoiled child constantly demands fulfillment of desires and attention. Not receiving something, he begins to stomp, scream, fall to the floor and roar. Little manipulators grow up thanks to their parents' mistakes. They do not feel the boundaries of their desires, they want to get everything here and now, they are absolutely dependent and passive. Most spoiled children grow up jealous, greedy and hyper-emotional. On the eve of the New Year holidays, I taught an art therapy lesson at school. The topic was the question: “What do I want to get for the New Year?” The children enthusiastically began to discuss with each other, then fully immersed themselves into the drawing process. All except one boy. He just looked around, laughed and distracted the guys. I approached him and asked why he doesn’t draw? To which I received the following answer: “Why do I need this? I already have everything. If I need something, my parents will buy it for me at any time, as soon as I want it.” It should be noted that this monologue sounded rather “boorish.” Slightly discouraged by this statement, I first offered to draw something on a free topic, but then I abandoned this idea and the guys and I began to discuss their drawings and desires. But the situation with this boy is still she did not let go of my thoughts. It is clear that the child is greatly spoiled by his parents, he has nothing to strive for. If problems arise in his studies, his parents take everything into their own hands and do his homework for him. In the process of communicating with his mother, she says that she feels sorry for him and by doing his homework for him, she just wants to help him. But on the other hand, if a mother eats a bowl of porridge for breakfast for a child, the child will not get enough of it.))) Therefore, the class teacher and I explained to the mother that this is not an option, and in order to achieve success in certain subjects, it is necessary to introduce some restrictions into his schedule. Such as: 1) sit down at the computer only after homework has been completed; 2) allow your child to come to school with an unfinished assignment and get a well-deserved bad mark. Subsequently, he will feel ashamed and he will want to correct the grade; 3) if the child forgot something when going to school, do not rush to bring it (next time the child will be more responsible in getting ready; 4) Ignoring method: seeing that they are not paying attention to him, the child he calms down and stops putting pressure on you. Have a fruitful winter and good mood!
