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From the author: One of the answers to the question of how to properly prepare a child for school. Children, just like adults, have biorhythms characteristic of each person. Doctors and psychologists believe that a sixth (33%) of all people are “larks”, a third (17%) are “night owls”. The remaining (50%) do not obey the circadian rhythm. Their body works smoothly, without wave vibrations. Such people are called “jays”, “pigeons” or arrhythmics. Many people belong to intermediate chronotypes and are not bright representatives of “owls”, “larks” or “doves”. Among children there are also “owls”, “larks”, and “pigeons”. “Owls” are those who are awake at night and sleep until noon. At the same time, when they wake up at 12 noon, they feel great. "Owls" control their sleep-wake rhythm very well. They prefer to go to bed later than 23-24 hours, but it is much harder for them to get up in the early morning hours. Night owls fall asleep long after midnight, wake up late, and have difficulty getting up, since their deepest period of sleep is before the morning. Peak performance occurs in the second half of the day and lasts until late at night. "Owls" are characterized by a slow and weak reaction to stimuli. These are calm, reasonable people who are in no hurry to draw conclusions and try to substantiate them sufficiently; sometimes they are pedants, taxonomists, prone to logical thinking, mathematics, abstract generalizations, inert, expectant, and withdrawn. They are distinguished by good self-control, prudence, excessive severity and despotism. Passive and indecisive in new endeavors, they sway for a long time before getting into work, but once they start, they finish the job. “Larks” sleep the same amount of time as others, but their bedtime rhythm is shifted to earlier in the evening. They want to sleep early, fall asleep quickly and get up very early at the same morning hours. They “think and think” best in the morning with a “fresh mind”, and by the end of the day their performance decreases. These are the “morning” type of people. They wake up independently and quite early, feel rested after sleep, alert and productive in the first half of the day, feel drowsy in the evening and, if possible, go to bed early. They quickly restore strength, but also get tired quickly. “Larks” react strongly and quickly to external influences and are prone to hobbies. These people are great enthusiasts. “Pigeons” are daytime people. The combination of passive and active temperaments in a person creates an uncertain biorhythm of performance. They are most adapted to the normal cycle of day and night. A more detailed analysis still reveals some tendency towards one or another pole of performance, depending on which temperament predominates. The period of their best mental and physical activity is observed from 10 to 18 hours. Newborns can sleep up to twenty-three hours a day. Gradually, their periods of wakefulness increase. By 2-3 years they can last up to 10 hours. But at this age, the clockwork mechanism is very plastic: the style of children's sleep is highly dependent on external factors. Scientists in the process of research came to the conclusion that the chronotype manifests itself by the age of 6-7 years, which coincides with the time when the child begins to go to school. Psychologists recommend that if your child is a typical “early person,” engage in sports, outdoor games, and master counting and reading in the first half of the day, and devote the evening hours to rest. And if you are a typical “night owl,” then all classes and various kinds of events should be scheduled for the second half of the day. It is known that “larks” have great difficulty adapting to a new schedule. While typical “pigeons,” on the contrary, can live according to any schedule, however, a sharp change in regime is undesirable for them. In order for the “pigeon” to gradually and smoothly switch to the new schedule, it needs at least a month. The combined variety – “pigeons” – arrhythmics is considered ideal for the school regime. Such children can easily adjust themselves and fall asleep.
