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When we are going to entrust our body, health, or soul to one or another specialist, we must at least to a minimal extent imagine what should be within the competence of such a specialist. For example, if we talk about a massage specialist, then today the following is mandatory for him. First, he must be a person. This means that you interact with him as a person, on a personal level. If you have doubts, mistrust, suspicions of any kind, then refrain from working with this specialist. Secondly, today, for any specialist working with other people, even if he is “just a massage therapist,” knowledge in the field of psychology is required. He should be a psychologist not by diploma, but by ability and level of erudition in special issues. Thirdly, he must be a generalist psychotherapist, proficient in a wide arsenal of techniques. And, of course, he must professionally master a variety of massage techniques. In addition to this, you must also master the techniques of manual therapy. In addition, today he must have the skills of a bioenergetics specialist and diagnostician. It’s not superfluous to be oriented in matters of physical therapy, dietetics, and hygiene. It is highly desirable to understand at least a little about herbs and pharmacology. And so on, and so on... And, finally, for all of them, practical knowledge of the basics of philosophizing and religion is necessary. You may ask, where are such specialists trained? That's right, they don't cook anywhere. The fact is that for a person who is going to benefit people in this field, his business should not be a profession, but a way of life. This is a piece of work. If we talk about treatment, it is not this or that technique or method that heals, it is a specialist who treats. The many massage techniques and other methods of influencing the human body and psyche that exist today do not actually negate each other because the end result of the influence carried out by the healer is a complex multi-level change in the whole (and therefore the healer!) person. The wonderful word Healer today has turned out to be compromised only because this word has come to mean people who, with varying degrees of literacy, are trying to correct a person’s physical condition by influencing other levels that are not always directly related to the body (field, psyche, behavior). Today, healers are called people who are closer to the name bioenergetics, psychics, suggestors, but this is an example of the usual terminological confusion. Real healers can only be considered those who carry out such a holistic impact, which manifests itself on many planes of human existence, or a person who simultaneously influences all or most of the systems and connections that form the human metasystem in order to restore, to one degree or another, the lost integrity human perception of the world.
