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PRELIMINARY WORK FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GOAL Formulate what you want (can be in general terms, arbitrarily) Describe in detail how your feelings will change when you get it; how you will feel, why this goal is so important to you. Start your description with the words: “If I achieve this goal, then...” Write down all the fears and doubts associated with this goal. Write down 3-5 actions that you are ready to perform without internal resistance in order to achieve your goal. Add one more item to the previous list: “I am ready to take advantage of the option offered by the Universe” Answer the question in writing. “Why is the realization of your goal important for: a) you; b) your family and loved ones; c) for the people of the earth Express your readiness to enjoy the process of achieving your goal throughout the entire path to it. Write down: “I am happy to enjoy every moment of the path to realizing my dream....(dream formulation)” It is important to see and track your intermediate results, the steps that you take. Decide how you will celebrate your victories and successes along the way to your goal. Let it be something small and very pleasant to you, perhaps something that you don’t always allow yourself (order your favorite dish, watch a movie that you haven’t had time for for a long time, meet a friend, etc.) Now pay attention to points 2 and 3. This is what prevents your goal from being realized. Both positive and negative expectations load your goal with additional information that is not directly related to it. This is what you want or are afraid to get from realizing your goal and a huge part of your energy goes there. Release her. Right now, tear up or very decisively cross out everything you wrote in these paragraphs. To achieve your goal, you don’t need this! Start performing the steps from step 4, enjoy, celebrate, give thanks!
