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People suffering from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) feel nervous for a variety of reasons and without. All areas of life: money, health, relationships with others, work, and all the events that happen in the world make them worry and worry. They are often worried because they cannot control themselves, their nervousness. This anxiety disorder is one of the longest lasting. Without stopping, a person jumps from one thought to another, fantasizing and predicting imminent disasters. And then he gets even more nervous because he’s too nervous. And so this can continue indefinitely. This leads to physiological reactions: problems with sleep, constant irritability, tension and, as a result, rapid fatigue. Indigestion, sweating, irritable bowel syndrome, and headaches often accompany anxiety. Against this background, depression and depression quickly develop. Approximately 7% of the world's population suffers from GAD, and women are affected 2 times more often than men. GAD often becomes a chronic disease from which people suffer throughout their lives. Most likely, a person first encounters such a disorder in late adolescence or early adulthood. With rare exceptions, people with such a problem go to a psychologist or psychotherapist. Most people turn to a regular general practitioner, and only with physical symptoms: fatigue, pain, irritable bowel syndrome, sleep disturbance, etc. The pills relieve pain for a while, but the overall picture does not change. It is so normal in our society to worry and worry that most people do not accept anxiety as a problem that needs to be dealt with. And in the best case, after 7-10 years, a person with GAD seeks psychological or psychotherapeutic help. But here, you see, it’s not so easy to get rid of it... It often happens that, along with GAD, people are exposed to other more specific fears - phobias. For example, a person can develop social phobia - this is the fear of appearing weak and vulnerable in front of others. Such people are generally shy and shy when it comes to speaking in public. And they become even more nervous when they think that others will see how nervous they are. If a person has post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), he is most often tormented by memories from the past and at the same time the fear that this will never end and something terrible will happen, he will not tolerate it. With specific phobias that are associated with disasters, a person is afraid of death, that he may be injured or killed. With obsessive-compulsive syndrome (OCD), the greatest fear is caused by the thought that one might forget something and not do it, as well as fear of getting dirty or infected. Once a man, 32 years old, let’s call him M, approached me. The first and main problem he voiced to me was the fear that he would be fired from his job. This is how he describes the latest situation related to this fear: “All day at work, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to make a website and deliver the project on time. By evening everything was almost ready, but I began to worry that I had suddenly done it poorly: there might be mistakes, I don’t like the design, etc. And this can make your boss very angry. What if he fires me? Last month he kicked out three. In the evening when I came home I thought about it again. I also became irritated because I couldn’t get the thought of work out of my head even at home. Then I went to bed and couldn’t sleep. I began to scold myself for the fact that tomorrow I would go to work without sleep and would never be able to finish and deliver the site...” Some kind of vicious circle, and how to get out of it? In fact, there are many such stories in my practice. What are people afraid of - that they will be abandoned, rejected, insulted, they will be left alone, they will be embarrassed while speaking in public, they will fail an exam, they will not look their best, what others will think of them, and what if)
