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Have you ever in your life seen all the immaculate and correct citizens like this? Of course it happened, well, in any case, they consider themselves such. Who are these noblest knights of holiness and impeccability? Or maybe it’s not at all You? After all, the society in which we live once decided what was good and what was bad. Although how to look at it in general, of course :) For example, the Holy Inquisition in the Middle Ages, who burned batches of pretty women at the stake, also considered themselves impeccable. And the Pavlik Morozovs, in general, still exist. So, it’s clear that no one wants society to condemn him. And it follows from this that if you demonstrate your “bad” traits, then it is logical to assume that those around you will have a negative attitude towards your so-called “vices”. And of course, no one wants to expose themselves to their loved one like that! And therefore, from a certain point of view moment a person begins to hide his “vices” and “passions”. Lies, lies and pure deceit become the second self of such people, especially at the time of finding a new relationship :) And you joyfully introduce your new lover or beloved into this delusion. Or enter it yourself. Although your inner sense is waving a wonderful red flag at you. But you understand that it is impossible to hide your inner essence? “Vice” always strives to come out sooner or later? Nevertheless, you still stubbornly do not notice it - well, of course, of course! He’s not like that, he’s different, he can’t be like that - after all, I’ve been waiting for him/her for so long.... So, for example, newfound lovers at the beginning of a relationship are always nice, pink and fluffy, but over time it turns out, that all this is an illusion that you created for yourself because you did not want to look closely at the person. You liked your rosy eyes, or maybe you were simply afraid to see the truth and you deliberately closed your eyes. And you should have understood that you were on the slippery slope of self-deception. And because you actively pretend that you don’t notice anything, these little vices do not disappear! Moreover, situations will certainly await you when these very qualities of your chosen one will work at full capacity. And you will move from the clan of the enchanted to the hypostasis of the disappointed. And this is - alas and ah, a complete collapse of the illusions that you yourself have created for yourself. And who is to blame for this, interestingly? Maybe from the very beginning you can unsee everything in more detail, and then decide whether you need it or not? Or maybe understand - you are a friend for a friend you are like Bonnie and Clyde, but the rest of the world is not your order? And do you understand that for everyone he is trashy, but for you he is the best and will turn the whole world upside down for your sake? Or is the world still right? Someone once said - it doesn’t matter how many faces a person has, the main thing is to show his good side , he was turned towards you :) Maybe he doesn’t care about this changing world, it’s better if it bends under you? You should live with this person - and not the world, not your mother and not your friends? Do you yourself consider yourself impeccable/impeccable ?If you are suddenly disappointed in your partner, he has changed and become a completely different person and you don’t know what to do next - contact a specialist for help. You can sign up for a consultation by phone: 8-911-755-22-57 ( Viber , WhatsApp, Telegram) or here To destroy the old and start moving towards renewal, just take the first step today! The most effective practices are already waiting for you! Write, call - I like you! :)💖💖💖With love and respect, Inna Sotnikova, your ambulance!:)🚑🚑🚑
