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All ages are submissive to love. And this fact is undeniable. What kind of age diversity can be found in couples: he is 40 years older than her, she is 45, and he is 27, or both are the same age, sitting at the same desk in the first grade. There is an unlimited number of variations. At the same time, the practice of many years of research and observation shows that that age difference matters. Marriages between peers The advantage of such a union is a lot of similar interests, common friends, comparable life experiences, in general, everything that connects people of the same generation. However, all this similarity is, at the same time, a significant disadvantage. Young people can quickly get bored with each other, due to their sameness in everything. In addition, an important disadvantage in a couple will be the absence of a more experienced partner who is able to reduce conflict and lead to the right decision. The difference is several years. Psychologists say that the ideal age difference between spouses is 4-6 years. In this case, the eldest in the couple must be the man. This is a classic relationship. The head of the family has already gained a certain life experience, he is already more ready for a marriage union, and, as a rule, has taken place as a professional. According to statistics, more children are born in such unions. Peers often do not have the financial ability to have children, and couples with a large age difference do not have such interest. But in this case, the woman is burning with desire and has biological reserves, and the man is ripe for fatherhood. Spouses are interested in spending time with each other - on the one hand, they are endowed with the gift of looking in the same direction, find common interests, and are able to organize something pleasant for both parties joint leisure, on the other hand, they have something to share with their partner, something to enrich their union. The difference is a decade or more. Such couples always attract increased public attention. The older partner is accused of chasing “a young body”, the younger one is accused of self-interest. As a rule, such families are much more stable than same-year-old couples in terms of finances. After all, the older spouse, most often, has already managed to organize a stable financial income, acquired his own place to live and a vehicle. However, it is generally accepted that a difference of ten years or more is more likely to become a significant obstacle in a relationship, rather than an advantage. Laws of Nature are inexorable: and before the couple has time to look back, the older spouse will begin to lose his former physical attractiveness. Fantasies about betrayal will inevitably begin to appear in the head of a young passion, which, quite likely, sooner or later will be embodied in real actions, which, as you understand, will certainly not benefit the family. Also, no one has canceled the disagreements associated with the difference in experience and worldviews determined by a significant “age gap.” The result is misunderstandings, disputes and doomed attempts to look at the situation through the eyes of a partner - the difference in views is too great. Why do people choose a partner much older or younger than themselves? A man chooses a “younger” spouse, wanting to re-educate her or hoping to become more successful in his eyes other less fortunate "males". If a representative of the stronger sex prefers older women, most likely, he is not too keen on responsibility, but is looking for a “mommy” who is ready to shoulder this burden, and who also shows a lot of tenderness and affection towards her “son”. Girls, those who choose a “daddy” also try to rid themselves of any obligations and responsibilities. They will not claim leadership in the family, because the role of a warded “daughter” is what they have always strived for. Ladies of Balzac’s age who prefer a young male body are also not without certain complexes. They get a sense of peace by tying a man to them financially and psychologically. Yes, she is the head of the family and the main “earner”. But now he is completely dependent on her, which means he will run away from her. Let’s summarize So, we have looked at the pros and cons of alliances with different)
