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Every day, each of us has a million thoughts that subtly affect the quality of life. They are like a smell: they can be Belomor, or they can be a delicious aroma. Automatic thoughts are the easiest level of our attitudes to understand. Having realized them, you can see if they help us move towards our goals and “why didn’t it work out again!?” 🤯You can catch your automatic thoughts with the help of a diary and a small amount of time daily. So, during the week you need to write down the situations that happen to you, that “touched” you emotionally. The recording must be kept in a tablet, where the first column is a description of the situation itself (which The boss came up to me and loudly asked: “When will the report for December 2018 be ready?”; the second column is the thoughts that ran through (“the monster is out of sorts again”, “I’m not doing anything on time again”, “I’ll be fired”); the third column - emotions and physical manifestations (the heart began to beat faster, fear, fear, everything froze inside); the fourth column - your actions in the situation (answered quietly, looking at the table: “I’m doing it...”).⠀The main thing is not to put it off and enter information into the diary right after the event so as not to miss anything. Takes 1-2 minutes. Essays are not needed, we will take the number of situations for proper analysis.⠀When there are 15-20 situations in the diary, you can crawl under the blanket in the evening and take it. delicious tea and ask yourself a few questions:⚜what thoughts are repeated most often?⚜what do they mean to me?⚜how do they affect my present and future?⚜did these thoughts help me in that situation?⚜if not, what could do it differently?⠀It seems to me that each of us at least once a week fails to replay situations that happened to us and we could have done differently. But with an ordinary “dialogue” you simply relieve stress, and when writing in a diary, you analyze.⠀Understanding the most frequently repeated thoughts will give us knowledge of our general mood in life, our outlook on life and the answer to the question: why is my life like this now 🚀💎🎉🏙 ⠀Homework for the inquisitive: try to keep a diary for a week and find the thoughts you have about money 💰. After a week, look at the result and ask yourself the question: what beliefs do I need now to earn more?⠀I’m sure this will be an interesting study! )
