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From the author: June 30, 2012 in the city of Ivanovo, the group “Therapeutic Money”. When this expression is uttered, most often the speaker experiences complex feelings - from regret to indignation. So, you see, someone appeared - “the master of the situation, the one who is stronger, richer, etc.; the one who can demand, dictate his terms.” And a kind of scoundrel appears - a bourgeois who tramples the rights of peaceful, more modest people with limited means. And what should they, such unfortunate people, do to this music? Music comes in different forms, of course. And there is no comrade for the taste and color. Well, in the ordered and paid for “music” - the values, beliefs, interests and tastes of the other person who pays. And there will be like-minded comrades. Those who are happy to listen, dance, and spend time listening to “music”, while having their own interests. So who prevents those who do not like “music” from choosing an acceptable position or position in a given situation: not dance, immerse yourself in dinner, thinking about your own; finally go to a more pleasant place or do something else. And the one who pays actually has an advantage. The ordered music is his fulfilled desire, into the implementation of which he invested his strength and accumulated resources. The sound of music is part of his world, his success. Everyone wants to order their own music. But if there is no strength or means to “order” or create your own music, then you should look for the space where your music, or the one most similar to yours, is already sounding. And be grateful to those who share their music with you. It’s great that there are those who pay and order music.
