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From the author: This article is another attempt to open the door to the vast and important topic for practical psychology of living psychological pain. Berkun Alexandra Pavlovna Pain that is not visible—Why don’t you ever touch me ?— I don’t want to cause pain. Film City of Angels Pain is physical or mental suffering, a painful or unpleasant sensation, torment. http://www.tbaraban.ru/index.php/health/boli/ There are a number of events common to all people, all humanity. Man is born from a father and mother, and is usually conceived and raised in love. He pursues some biological goals, but he also pursues other goals that require assertion of his own identity, acceptance of responsibility, satisfaction of curiosity about the meaning of life. He usually falls in love and gives birth to new life. He always dies alone. Throughout the journey, he experiences anxiety, cravings, pain and pleasure (Allport, 2001). Pain is something that is familiar to everyone: both clients and psychologists. Any pain is heaviness, torment, suffering. This is something we usually want to stop. But let's admit that pain is not evil. Sadness and pain are not hostile to life; in an unexpected way they fill life, if only we are able to survive and endure this pain (Langle A., 2010). Pain is our most faithful assistant, which protects our life, our well-being. Pain prevents worse consequences by drawing our attention to the fact that something is wrong with us and demands that we fix it. Sometimes pain is the only opportunity to feel life. Causes of psychological pain. Based on the scheme of psychopathogenesis of depression by A. Langle (Langle A., 2010), by analogy we can distinguish: pain in connection with life (feelings of loss, separation, mistreatment from parents); pain in connection with relationships (trauma in relationships, rejection, violence); pain due to the fact that “failed to cope” (feelings of guilt, inferiority). Psychological pain has an important hidden potential; there is no need to rush to save a person from his suffering at any cost. Firstly, suffering can support motivation for psychological processing of painful experiences, and secondly, suffering always has its own psychological meaning, its own meaning. It is very important to discover this meaning by carrying out very necessary, once apparently neurotically delayed mental work (http://www.pobedish.ru). Often painful experiences are easily discernible behind anger, unlived resentment, and deep-seated fear. But sometimes we can only guess about psychological pain by the way a person, like a diseased organ, protects some part of his personality from contact with life. Conclusion: What is important is not what was made of me, but what I myself made of what they made of me. Sartre J.-P. In the biological field, as is known, pain is a guardian and guardian full of meaning. In the spiritual sphere it performs a similar function. Suffering's purpose is to protect a person from apathy, from spiritual rigor. As long as we are capable of suffering, we remain alive spiritually. Indeed, we mature and grow in suffering, they make us richer and stronger (Frankl V., 1990). The task of a psychologist in pain therapy is to help the client in a safe environment come into contact with his suffering, to get into areas that exist only in his internal psychological reality , and there to meet the pain face to face, be filled with new experience and reconstruct the relationship with life. List of used literature and Internet sources: Langle A. Reach out to life... Existential analysis of depression: Trans. from German/Foreword by A. S. Barannikov. – M.: Genesis, 2010. – 128 p.: ill. – (Theory and practice of existential analysis). Allport G. Comments on previous chapters//Existential psychology. Ed. Rollo May. Translation by M. Zanadvorov and Y. Ovchinnikova. -M.: April Press & EKSMO-Press, 2001 Frankl V. Man in search of meaning. – M.: Progress, 1990. http://www.pobedish.ru
