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From the author: Colleagues, I present my thoughts to your strict judgment and ask for your indulgence, since the issue covered in the article is new and poorly researched for me. I do not pretend to be true or objective. I would like to know your opinion, since this issue is relevant for me. And forgive me for the pathos. People often ask me: “What do you do?” I answer that it is psychotherapy. But this is not clear. And so it’s easier to say that what I do is talk to people. What is the secret and why is it so important for people to be talked to. The secret is quite simple: when people speak, it is very important for them to be listened to. But it's not about attention. It's about the importance that people feel about what they say. But importance is not all. Only when a person sees that what he says can be listened to does he begin to listen to himself. And then he himself appears for him. Reading several articles on the topic “what is psychotherapy and why do it” unexpectedly resonated in me with the need to research and discuss the topic of the profession of “psychotherapist” myself. I have never written articles about this before. And, believe me, I was not inclined to overestimate the role of psychotherapy in people's lives. Moreover, it took me a long and difficult time to realize that this was truly a “profession.” I was led by many opinions and social views, in the context of which, more importance was attached to either “money” or “increasing the welfare of society” professions. The fact is that for many years now I have been involved in this matter and the question of the role of psychotherapy in a person’s life, as well as about my actual role, one way or another, appears on the horizon of consciousness. What is the value of the work of a psychotherapist and why do people really need to be in this process? Of course, a psychotherapist does not save the planet, does not put out fires, doesn't fly into space. It produces nothing visible or concrete. Any other doctor brings many times more “visible” benefits. His recommendations are clear and precise, and treatment regimens and approaches are specific and not replete with confusing labyrinths of the mind. The treatment of a traditional doctor often (not always!) does not offer a person to make personal transformations, does not seek to bring oneself and one’s life to a new level of understanding. It is focused on repairing the body and is quite suitable for those who are inclined to identify themselves with this body. At the same time, looking around, I practically do not find people who confidently declare: “I am this body!” And if you observe us in the context of ordinary, everyday situations, then everywhere and everywhere we meet the need to be heard, understood, accepted. And we try to talk about our feelings (but there is no such organ!?), but we understand them poorly, and even worse, we experience them. Feelings are the result of relationships. Life is not a field to cross, and practically, no matter what area of ​​life you take, and here and there, we encounter questions of attitude. Relationships with yourself, relationships with another person, relationships with the world in general and, of course, relationships with death, which is the main background against which life’s drama unfolds. And here we cannot be satisfied (or sooner or later ceases to be satisfied) with a dialogue with pills and a surgical knife. What is therapy (psychotherapy)? This is a relationship. Relationship between two people. It may sound like pathos, but therapy is treatment of the soul. And in the space of therapy, it is impossible to be a non-evaluative mechanism that issues “correct” conclusions—tablets—and makes “effective” advice—“operations.” Any attempt to remain a “disinterested” arbiter is doomed to failure, since this immediately leaves the person (client) alone, while he needs a feeling interlocutor (which does not remove loneliness, but makes it less contrasting). Then why doesn’t therapy replace it with a simple friendly conversation? Why can’t a relative or friend take on the role of a therapist? I assume that this will happen someday. As awareness grows, so will our.
