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Chapter 6. Common interests and leisure. If you have read all the previous chapters, and not just read, but have already begun to do and implement something in your life, then , you probably noticed some changes, small steps towards your harmonious relationship in marriage. And in this chapter we will talk about a topic that has already been touched upon in previous chapters, including joint leisure. And it is very, very important that you have some common interests, some common pastime. And in the context of love languages, it's quality time spent quality time. This could be skiing together, going somewhere together. That is, this is the kind of time that you should definitely have. And it is advisable that once a week you as a whole family (if you have two children, three, or if you consider parents, father-in-law, mother-in-law in your family, then you can expand the concept of family), hold a common event in which each family member would be involved . That is, each participant must perform some kind of function, not just some play, others watch, but everyone must participate. Everyone has a role. And it's very enriching, actually. Because when we talk about a family in which there are already children, adults or small ones, if a mother is playing with a child, that’s one thing, a dad is doing something else, that’s another, but if you’re all together, then (this is especially evident in children, they very happy) this is a very special, magical pastime. In general, children are a reflection of parental attitudes and well-being in the family; they are an indicator. And when you spend time together, children are usually very happy, they are like that very indicator that everything is fine, everything is in order. And this time that you spend together is divided into two types. Firstly, once a week, do something like this together with all family members. And second, let you have some personal holidays. Let's say it could be a dating day. That is, it may not be associated with some date known to many. After all, the day you met is a date that only you and your close friends can know. And you can, for example, if you met in the park, always go there for a walk on this very date. Or if you met for the first time on some island in another country, then you can go there. It will be such a tradition that on the anniversary of your acquaintance, every time you go to exactly that place, the place of your acquaintance, to some country, to an island, if you met abroad, or something like that. That is, in this way you form such good personal traditions of your family. And then, naturally, your children will adopt these traditions. And when this is already debugged, it will enrich your family hearth, your interaction. Because the children will already be expecting that on such a date we will all go skiing from the mountains together, or on snowmobiles or something else, or we will all go to the zoo together... You can plan something specific, or make new adjustments. Now there is nothing but, in fact, as they say, choose what you want. You can swim with dolphins or go to a butterfly museum, or go to a zoo, you will have a program, you will see animals, go to some show, to an aquarium, then go to a cafe. This will be a whole exciting journey that you can take on. Or you can go for a walk in the forest, build a snow woman, ride down the mountains and barbecue. Or just even drink some tea. And this will already be something joint. And in this chapter - joint leisure, everything seems to be clear and understandable again. But very often people are busy, they always have no time: “Come on later,” “I’m working now,” “I have something to do,” or “I should do this and that.” But there is nothing more permanent than temporary. And we don’t notice how this “later” enters our lives to such an extent that we seem to live together, but it seems like we are not together. That is, we live in the same apartment, we see each other every day, and sometimes we don’t even know something or we learn from.
