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Very often people are so afraid of deceiving themselves that it is sometimes easier for them to expect the worst that can happen from life, because in this case they can no longer expect any unexpected surprises . This seems more honest and correct to them, because otherwise they will “look at the world through rose-colored glasses,” “succumb to the tricks of manipulators and deceivers,” and most importantly, betray themselves. The attitude “the worse, the more honest” can be expressed in different formulations . For example: “the more offensive, the more realistic”, etc. Joseph Brodsky wrote in one of his poems: “The more hopeless, the easier it is somehow. You can’t wait anymore...” Such attitudes and maxima can be attributed to what representatives of cognitive-behavioral psychologists usually call “deep beliefs.” Deep beliefs are axioms on which a person’s entire picture of the world is built. The main problem is that these beliefs are not the results of inferences, and for this reason they cannot always be corrected at the semantic and logical level. Deep beliefs are like basic axioms, as in Euclidean geometry; a person builds all other semantic and logical conclusions about the world based on these attitudes. And if any one of them is questioned, then it seems that the whole world may collapse. Sometimes you need to be Lobachevsky in order to create for yourself a new “psychological mathematics”, new foundations for building your picture of the world. And this is not so easy to do. The problem is that one of a person’s deepest attitudes may be the following: “in this world I can only trust myself.” As a result, a person cannot trust any “Lobachevskys” appearing around him, even those who express a desire to help him. He doesn't trust anyone, not even himself. To some extent, people with such deep-seated attitudes are doomed to make a “Copernican revolution” in their souls, change their social cosmos and find their place in it, learn to look at the world differently. What are the roots of deep-seated beliefs? Although deep-seated beliefs can take the form of logical or semantic attitudes, they are based on strong emotions: fear turning into horror, despair, acute mental pain, the rage of a cornered mouse. Therefore, in order to have the opportunity to correct these beliefs, a person sometimes has to experience these terrible and strong emotions again, go through his old experiences. There are various “sadistic forms of psychotherapy”, for example, “primary scream therapy”, when a person is let down or even provoked to go through the above experiences. But this form of therapy always leads to pain, but does not guarantee healing. Very often, neither successive logical clarifications nor immersion in the situation of basic trauma lead to a change in a person’s deep attitudes. Unfortunately, the use of consistent, proven procedures and even the most careful techniques sometimes also turn out to be ineffective: they begin to irritate and even enrage a person accustomed to life in a tense field with their “tediousness” and monotony. Sometimes only small insights lead to imperceptible changes in a positive direction , understanding, individual fragments of experience, which are gradually built into a new vision of the situation. This is how a person notices that acute pain sometimes lets go, that against the background of despair, lights of hope flash, and pointers to a way out of a tense situation appear. A cornered mouse suddenly discovers that his persecutors are no longer around. At first, a person can project onto himself only the negative experiences of other people (this seems more honest), but gradually it becomes possible to project into his world the positive scenarios of other people, or at least separate fragments of these scenarios. Is there any specific type of psychotherapy, any psychological techniques,
