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From the author: There are a variety of methods in the arsenal of psychotherapy. Which one is right for me? And why am I drawn to draw? talk? or - play?! We can reflect on the origins of our preferences and the options for support we currently need. Sometimes at the initial stage of working with a client you can hear the question: “Why do we talk and not draw? And we don’t do tests?” And then usually follows a story about the experience of consultations, when a specialist regularly gave various tasks, offered to draw, and perform various tests. With obligatory subsequent analysis and explanation - what does all this mean, how does it characterize the client. If such questions arise, we can think - what lies at their basis? Perhaps the client is really driven by the need, with the help of a specialist, to learn more about himself, to obtain some definite, stable definition, name... This voiced need for “naming” can be caused by the presence of a high level of anxiety, internal uncertainty, blurriness, confusion; and a clear, specific “diagnosis” that some tests make can, as a person subconsciously hopes, give some reassurance and stabilization. Yes, in a number of cases testing is used, including when it is necessary to find out the level of personality organization, the presence of certain psychopathological traits and corresponding potential risks. As for projective techniques, they promote the release of mind-controlled feelings, imagination; the images that arise during the drawing process are directly created by the unconscious... and this has both diagnostic and therapeutic significance. Often, a client who has drawn to his heart’s content relaxes, muscle blocks go away, the plasticity of the body changes, the cheeks turn pink... In some ways, drawing creates conditions for the client to regress into a childish state, while the psychologist begins to be perceived as a reliable, protective and encouraging parental figure. And here, sometimes it is important not to give clear, specific interpretations or names of drawings, leaving the opportunity for the client to think out, feel, and imagine the session material. But then, at some stage of therapy, there is a feeling that drawing alone cannot be done, even if followed by a high-quality, in-depth discussion of the process. It’s as if something is asking to come out, looking for other exits. And the time for conversation comes. Those. - only conversations. And then it turns out that the person who previously drew easily and with pleasure turns out to be constrained, timid... those feelings that were transmitted non-verbally often do not find a way out. This may be anxiety, fear, guilt or shame when it is necessary to talk about something difficult and difficult to bear. And here we are living through a very difficult and responsible moment of forming a new level of contact. At this stage, the client has the opportunity to begin symbolic maturation, develop both the ability to reflect, be aware, and the ability to interact with a psychologist, to be in live contact. It is in conversation, in personal interaction, that the full potential of the analytical approach can be fully realized, through the formation of relationships in the so-called transference and countertransference, when both the client and the analyst are open to the process, experience a wide range of feelings in dynamics... which, in essence, provides therapeutic effect.Yes, talking is not always easy. Sometimes the words just don't come. And some part of the session may take place in silence. Often, dreams act as “symbolic intermediaries” between the client’s unconscious and the analyst, when the voicing, analysis, and living of the dream brought by the client completely becomes the material of the session. Here it is also important not to try to “bring clarity”, to interpret unambiguously, but to provide a wide field for interpretations and fantasies about what came in the dream. And now - the case of one client. We have been working in total for about 7 years, with several breaks of several months, at the request of the client. IN.
