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From the author: Remark for consultation. I offer a practice that will allow you to change your interaction with people and the world. Just make it a rule - no one owes you anything. It's SIMPLE. Because no one is you. Every person lives for himself. The only thing he can feel is his own happiness. If you understand that no one should organize your happiness, you will be freed from expecting the impossible. Try living like this for 1 month. No one should fulfill your needs, both physical and psychological. These are YOUR needs - you must fulfill them. No one should meet your expectations about them. How fair are your expectations towards other people? No one should understand you, it is you who should be interested in the opportunity to be understood. If you are not understood, perhaps this is how you convey information? No one should know your thoughts and realize your desires. No one should pay attention to you and fill your life with joy. No one should love you. The essence of the practice is for you to take responsibility for everything that happens in your life. So that you realize that the world does not revolve around you, but you are part of it. So that you realize that the external is always a reflection of the internal and when you know how to give to the world love and joy, then the world responds to you in the same way. So that you realize that before receiving benefits from the world, you should be able to give them - to be grateful. Gratitude is the basis of well-being. So that you stop depending on anyone and start creating your own reality. This will allow you to realize all your needs. This is the prevention of negative emotions as a result of unfulfilled needs. So that you try self-love in action and finally realize yourself as an adult capable of filling your life with quality. Have a joyful practice and beautiful understanding of it! I will be glad if my articles prove useful to you in the practice of your life!
