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Scientists drew attention to the fact that the announced plans are not being implemented. Psychologists are always interested in such anomalies. Let's talk about the reasons why you should not share your plans with others. Superstitious people are afraid to talk about their plans, they are afraid that their plans will not be fulfilled. Often they are opposed not by circumstances, but by their own laziness and indecision. Somehow it doesn’t work out to fulfill my plans. Maybe their fears are not in vain? It happens that a person simply forgets what he was going to do. What's wrong if a person tells his loved ones that he is opening a company? Maybe they'll give me some advice. He even came up with a symbolic name. Friends approve of the idea. Time passes, but there is still no company. There is one name. Many superstitions have explanations. Salt, for example, was once very expensive; it should not have been spilled. And a quarrel otherwise was guaranteed. But the fact that the announced plans are stalling was noticed by people of science. They cannot be accused of mysticism. Psychologists are always interested in such anomalies. Scientists are looking for the true cause of such failures, and in most cases they find it. Professor Peter Gollwitzer, of New York University, wrote the book Symbolic Self-Completion. It turns out that a person’s subconscious considers plans spoken out loud as completed. And if so, then there is no need to do anything. Vera Mahler, who studies such phenomena, believes that an individual who has voiced his intentions decreases motivation. Peter Gollwitzer led a group of sixty-three people. Some subjects did not share their plans with others. Other respondents, on the contrary, talked about their ideas, receiving approval. Professor Gollwitzer called the reaction of the subconscious to voiced plans “a premature sense of completion.” The “symbols of identity” present in the brain, which the psychologist wrote about in his book, allow a person to gain an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhimself. These symbols do not need to be confirmed by action. For them to arise, it is enough to talk about them. Let's say you decide to write a novel or learn a foreign language. You told your friends about these intentions. You imagined yourself as a famous author giving an interview in English. The brain is satisfied with this illusion. He believes that the goal has been achieved. You no longer have the incentive to write a plot, develop characters, or learn irregular verbs. Probably the right thing to do would be to first accomplish what you have planned, and then talk about your accomplishments..
