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The beginning of the year is the best time to set new goals. I usually actively use it for this. This allows you to direct yourself in the desired direction and gives a signal to the brain what to work on. What is a goal? This is a pre-planned result that a person strives to achieve in the process of activity. Its main differences from a dream are that it has very specific characteristics to start working on. If a goal is formulated, the brain isolates from a huge amount of information the information that works to achieve it. Moreover, the more accurately and in detail you present the result, the easier it will be to achieve this goal in the end. What is important to remember when setting a goal: The goal should be in the zone of our control, depend on the efforts we make; Cause pleasant emotional sensations, then it has more chances be achieved; Be achievement-oriented, not avoidance-oriented; Have a simple and understandable formulation; Be environmentally friendly, do not harm yourself or others. A real goal is achievement-oriented and cannot be abstract, so we check it according to SMART, namely how specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely it is. Everything seems simple, but often we don’t spend enough time to analyze the wording and make mistakes. For example, we have a process instead of a goal. One of the common examples is to talk with a manager, start learning English (or any other language), start playing sports (that’s why we often start). Or the goal is out of control: “I want my husband to earn a lot”, “I want my child ....” “I want freedom”, “I want self-realization” is too general a concept, the goal must be specific, and this is also a common mistake. Or maybe this is not your goal at all? It often happens that we take the goals of our significant environment, our social circle, as our goal. That is, one of the mistakes is someone else’s goal. Therefore, in order for goals to work for you, you need to pay attention to setting them. Well, if you would like to reflect on your ideas, projects, or you have a request to clarify your goals and motives, welcome to a consultation. We’ll figure out what your goal is and outline ways to achieve it).
